
Monday, August 30, 2010

A little flirting, a few crumbs....

Finally I have got back to the BOM Vicki has put up on Tozz's Corner. This one is called Snowdrop Trickles. It was nice to do some needleturn again.
Following on from my post on Stash Manicure the other day, I thought I would show you the 'crumbs' I mentioned when I talked about my scrap pile...
Here is a picture of my Crumbs Quilt I have put together (another flimsy, still waiting for quilting and finishing - sigh).

I made the crumbs squares as Leaders and Enders; instead of cutting the thread as I finish a seam, I sew a couple of scraps together, adding to them until I have a 4 1/2 inch square. A friend and I did a lot of these last year, we called ourselves obsessive crumbers, as at times we lost track of which project we were working on - the crumbs blocks, or the main project itself!!
Its so neat to look at each block and identify where the scraps came from.
Of course any piece of fabric larger than half inch square is OK to use - no wastage here!!

Below shows 9 of my crumbs blocks joined together and sashed.

I think this was my record - 12 fabrics in one square!!
STOP PRESS!!! Great Minds Think Alike.....Leeanne, my Obsessive Crumber friend, has just done a post about her crumbs quilt too - hers is quilted and bound!! Head over to her blog to view it.
ANOTHER FOOTNOTE!! Sorry, I should have mentioned that the inspiration for the crumbs came from Bonnie Hunter's fabulous Quiltville site


  1. Absolutely choice! Looks great...ummmm the most fabric in one block? Well I never thought of that! I was too busy remembering/forgetting what project I was actually working on!!!Is this a leader project or the actual PROJECT!!still it hasn't put me off 'Crumbing'.
    That Flirting with Flowers block is sooo sweet.

  2. I love the 'glamor' photo of your quilt with trees etc in the background. Send Bonnie a photo, your quilt is a crumb and a leader ender, she'll love it!

  3. Gorgeous Raewyn, your needleturn is so cute, love the little snail. Your crumbs quilt is amazing, what an awesome way to use up scraps.

  4. Can't say I have ever been a "fan" of crumbs before--but now fabric crumbs look "cute" all sewed together like that--great job!!!
    and I like your Flirting with Flowers block--neat!!
    Hugs, Di

  5. Oh, I can't wait till I have enough stash for things like this........super.
    Have a nice day.

  6. What a great way to use up wee scraps. Your crummbs quilt top looks lovely.
    Nice stitiching on you block.

  7. I love how your block has turned out :) your colours are lovely and I am going to go thru your blog to see the other blocks as I can see one in the LinkWithin .....looking really good! Your quilts are lovely and lots of work has gone into them. Well done :)

  8. Be still my beating heart! Raewyn, would you mind if I started too?
    I am in love with the scrappy look of it... Oh it is PERFECT!!!
    and it doesn't really count as another project, right? RIGHT?!

  9. What a great idea of leaders and enders. I'll have to give that a try. I love using up every tiny bit of fabric.

  10. Wonderful ... and it all came from your stash! This is a great way to use up those itty bitty pieces.


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