
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Weedfree Wednesday

It's so nice to have a garden that needs no weeding!! Just a little trimming perhaps but no wheelbarrow in sight!

I didn't show a pic of last Wednesday's flower, so here it is. I didn't realise how much sewing there would be to put the white garden path completely around it so finishing this size was quite an achievement.
(oops the white fabric is a bit see through here and you can see the writing on the card behind it!)

This week, I have changed tack slightly with some different little hexie flowers. I pulled out my 'pretties' fabric (and shopped for some more) and reduced the size of my template... and here's the next little batch of blooms.
I thought using templates this small (6/8ths of an inch) would be fiddly but it isn't, and they are quick to sew — I pretty much had these sewn before breakfast!!


  1. The white border is lovely Raewyn. It does take a bit of time and look at the little cutes, they sure are 'pretties.'

  2. the white border looks fine and time-consuming, as one border is made of nearly the same number of hexies as 2 flowers :-)
    I´ve had a little flowerbreak the last to weeks, but I´ve prepared 105 more hexies :-)

  3. They are beautiful and what a nice fabric.


  4. Hi Raewyn! The white fabric really makes the red and gold pop! Your little flowers are so sweet! I love the pastel fabrics! All of your flowers are beautiful!

  5. Beautiful fabrics on the new little hexies form the pretties fabric. And that is what they are: pretty!

  6. The white around your red adn yellow hexy flower looks stunning!
    Love your smaller 'pretties' too.

  7. Your hexie quilt will look stunning when you finish it. White looks great around the flowers.

  8. I love the new flowers, beautiful colours.

  9. Beautiful flowers. I like your fabric choices.

  10. It will be a real grandmothers garden, with the white around the flowers. And I love the little ones, Sweet!

  11. Very nice, crisp flowers!

  12. Hi Raewyn, thanks so much for your blogvisit! I love the fabrics you use making the flowers!! Lots of fun making the next batch! happy sewing, Daniƫlle PS I have become a follower hihi so not to have to miss anything you do!

  13. Oh I love those little blooms , that is gorgeous fabrics and your large bloom is looking very pretty with the white background .

  14. One more Hexie project? I love your vintage look flower as well as minis! I have a lot of weeds to clean in my sewing room!

  15. your flowers are beautiful!!! and what a sweet fabrics...
    have a nice day..;0))

  16. I like both the big ones and the smaller ones with the beautiful fabrics! Mine are 0,5 inch and they go really fast!

  17. Lovely flowers I especially enjoy looking at the bottom three. Such soft and peaceful colors!

  18. Your flowers are lovely! So sorry I haven't been round to meet you yet. Now that I've found you, I will be back more often! Lovely blog!!! So happy you are part of our flower group! Yes, the extra row was a bit more than I thought it would be also. However, it will make a nice finish! :)

  19. I love the flowers - looking good - can't wait until I see them finished and made up.

  20. Hello Raewyn, Thank you very much for your blogginvisit and your friendly comment. Love the way of your life in New Zealand. Your dubble flowers too!

    warm Greetings, jeannet

  21. Thank you for the comment on my weblog. I like the flower in white and little ones are lovely white these fabrics. I didn't know there was a weblog of the Farmer's Wife Quilt, how wonderful!
    Last year I was in New Zealand for a month, I liked it very much, wonderful country!
    Greetings, Cisca

  22. Thanks for saying hi on my blog. Nice to meet you.
    I'm tossing up not to do a path - just cos I thought I'd get bored doing one colour - but I do like how it gives your eyes a place to rest.


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