
Monday, July 5, 2010

Bits and pieces...

Life has been a bit of a whirlwind since I last posted; I have had several posts floating around in my head but none of them have made it anywhere near the keyboard!!
Last Thursday I sacrificed my weekly 'stitch and chat' at my favourite little quilt shop. After conferences and busy stuff, I needed some ME time. I informed the MOML that I was hibernating in my 'cave' (as he calls it) and he was to pretend I had actually gone out after all.  I did  make him a cup of tea at lunchtime, but had a peaceful day, mostly tidying and sorting.
Before and after shots of one corner....

Very satisfying (you can see why I needed all day.. imagine 4 corners like that!!)
All while I was there with the camera, I  thought I should show my Flirting With Flowers blocks so far (please don't count them, you'll see I'm a month behind!)
In amongst the tidying I did finish this little pincushion. 
I have always been intrigued by the shape of these Biscornu (apparently that's French for irregular) pincushions, so when I saw the tutorial on Janet's Quiltsalott blog I decided I needed to make one. I gave this to my MIL and she really liked it.
Can you see the doily its sitting on? Its Irish Crochet, from memory, I just love the layered flowers. I actually made it when I was 17 so I must have been a Clever Miss back then, couldn't do it now!!
We've had a weekend of 'out to tea' 'out to lunch' for various celebrations (translate that into 'Ate Too Much"!). Then on Sunday night the girls cooked tea.
A delicious meal, culminating in the dessert course with this.....
... thank you girls :-)!! (Chocolate Mud Cake - very nice!!)

This morning we woke up to some flooding. We had to swim/wade to one mob of stock to get them to swim to dry land.
There's actually quite tall Willow trees under the water to the right of the photo above!
The river is retreating a bit now but it was pretty full on for a while!! And it will be a good day or so until we see the bridge! A good day for staying inside.
So that's me all caught up on the latest news.
Happy stitching everyone :-) , have a great day.


  1. Hello Raewyn,
    Just checking you out. Was it your birthday on the 4th too. My sewing room is looking like yours also - trying hard to tidy it up. My daughter no2 points out that the whole house is one giant sewing room as it migrates everywhere.
    Look forward to getting to know you.

  2. Your room sure does look good. come over to West Aus and tidy my please.LOL
    Your blocks are lovely as is the pincushion.
    Wow we could do with a LITTLE water not as much as you got.

  3. Love the pincushion! Sorry about the flooding, It's very hot here.
    Happy Birthday!!

  4. Hi Raewyn! My sewing area is on my agenda today, too! It's too much when I can't find what I need. :) I love your sweet wall hanging from your previous post. I have a few unfinished things that need my attention. I hope the flood waters have receded...that is a lot of rain! Take care!

  5. Love your Flirting with Flowers blocks--I am doing them also--just copied off this months block--I have alot of hand quilting to do this month--sooo????
    Wow--look at all that water--sure hope all comes out ok for you???
    Hugs, Di

  6. Hi raewyn, glad you have survived the flooding ok! It looks pretty bad! LOve that chicken on the dinner plate,very cute touch. your blocks are lokking good...i've only done 3 then i just relised i have misses june block(damn)!! I too have made that pincushion, so cute! see you. sue

  7. Hi Raewyn
    You really did well in you sewing room..Garden flowers are looking great,,I too am working on 3/4 inch hexes for my Flower Garden..One day i hope to try the 1/4 inch..Take care with that flooding..

  8. WOW Raewyn your sewing looked like mine - please to see someone else disorganised LOL. Looks great now - you can pop over and do mine when you have nothing to do. I will post a photo of the flooding on my blog for you to see.


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