
Saturday, July 17, 2010

The first ones are always the cutest.....

.... by the time I get to number 120 I no longer look at them through rose coloured spectacles!!!
Yes, calving has started, slowly right now but we will be busy in the weeks ahead. These calves  have been born earlier than their due date so I can enjoy them for a little while! The pace of life will soon change!!
Number 1 here has progressed from a bottle to a little feeder. Tomorrow I'll pull out the 'big calf' feeder for her and her mates. I took these photos yesterday and they are out of date already; we now have 3 and all are drinking off the feeder well. Its amazing how quickly 2 day old calves learn!
Although it was a beautiful calm, warm day I spent the afternoon in 'my cave' getting stage 2 of my klosjes quilt done.
Here is the scenic shot —

Here is what the whole of it looks like so far —
Most of the outer border klosjes were sewn as leaders and enders, I just made sure I had a pile of them prepared, so in a way it felt like I was sewing them for ages, but then again it felt like I hadn't even been working on them... and they were done :-). I just LOVE 'leading and ending' - I find it really hard to cut a thread!! I was also really pleased as I had spent a lot of time planning my outer klosjes, to get the size right for this border... and guess what!! - it was perfect!! I didn't even have to measure - just sewed!!! 
I'm still not sure what my next border will be, I have the odd idea (colour again) — if anyone has any ideas, please feel free to let me know!
I haven't updated my klosjes page for a while so will do that soon (but not tonight) with the finer details of my latest spools, as I have had the odd enquiry about them.
Tea is nearly ready for me to dish up so I will leave you with this shot - 
 (And no, it's not chicken for dinner tonight!!)
Happy stitching everyone...


  1. Lovely spools and very cute calves. It´s amazing to see them grow up :-)

  2. WOW babies soo soon.
    Love your quilt & colours look beautiful

  3. These calves are soooo sweet, look at that black one, he's a beauty!

    Your quilt is getting nicer and nicer. I found your tutorial just before and I kove it! I think one day I am going to try your method - but first another 400 klosjes to go.... ;-)

  4. Oooh your babies are so cute......I guess it's like feeding orphan lambs....the novelty soon wears off! Love your klosjes, looking great. Good luck for calving...... hope the weather co-operates with you.

  5. Chicken for dinner or Birds--by the looks there was as many "birds' there as Chickens!!!!
    the klosjes are looking good!!!
    Happy calving!!!!
    Hugs, Di

  6. Raewyn your Klosjes quilt is looking fab! Love the colours.What about a piano key border or like I did for my spools?No doubt you will come up with something lovely.

  7. The pigeons know where the good food is. I love your klosjes, they look great in that setting.

  8. I don't know which picture is the cutest. Love the calves, chickens and greedy pigeons and those klosjes in the circles are just fantastic. What a great idea.


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