
Sunday, March 29, 2020

What a difference a tyre makes —

Before —
After —
Cool huh?!
I had a good run with my tractors today. I just had to push myself to cut out one set of tyres to see how they would look - they were still looking a bit weird to me.
But I'm reassured now - whew!

I went over the bridge and turned left on my walk today. That short race only leads to the Quarry Flats - what we call these three paddocks past the quarry.
Hemmed in by a bend in the river, nowhere else to go.
So I turned and went around the back to the top of the quarry so I could say I'd climbed a bit of a hill today!
Now before you say we aren't supposed to be doing any sort of exercise that could cause injury and require help from medical services, the quarry has a 2m wide bench put in by a 12 ton digger a couple of months ago, and I did not go near the edge!
Most of my farm walking and hill climbing has been on the farm races. All our rivers and drains are fenced, as are the bush areas. I keep myself safe and know better than to climb a tree for a good photo.
After the quarry clmb I went home the long way; looping through some paddocks to our son's house so I could catch up with the family over the fence. Lovely to see the kids playing.

And so ends my Day 5 in lock down.
I hope you're all staying well, staying home, staying safe,
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. The tires make a world of difference, they look great! So glad you got to see the grands playing.

  2. love the tires - glad you can go to the fence to visit with your family - Melanie has been on one end of the porch and we on the other end when she stops for a visit

  3. Tractors definitely look better with wheels. LOL
    Keep on enjoying your walks.

  4. the tractor wheels are great... soon they will all be kitted out... you are having some lovely walks …

  5. You have powered along wit the blocks, and I do agree that the tyres make a huge difference. Looking great!

  6. The tyres make all the difference Raewyn, fantastic!! Am enjoying the views around the farm and over the fence on your walks.

  7. Those wheels make a huge difference - the tractor looks great. Nice to get a long walk every day. We can walk around the garden which is long and narrow and at this time of year there are new flowers to look out for. xx

  8. without tires they look like cute little tugboats! Don't know what you call them where you live. Here, tugboats guide big ships into harbor, or pull barges down big rivers.

  9. Great wheels and tires. They look like the big knobby tires on a big tractor. How cool that you can see the little ones. Maybe no hugs and kisses but still see them. I have that privilege to see mine too.

  10. It's so lovely you can walk to your son's and keep in touch with the family, even in a lockdown. Love the neat little tyres! x

  11. THe tires are perfect do not fuss...they are great.


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