
Monday, March 30, 2020

Add a truck!

I was back to Xavier's quilt today - yes the Buggy Barn one with the trucks and tractors. The trucks are made the same way as the first blocks—
Layering and slicing
And I got one truck sewn together before I had to call it a day —
This one doesn't look as odd with no wheels - at least you can tell what it is!
I was short on sewing time today as I braved going into town. It was odd, but understandable, stopping at a locked gate at the farm supplies store, reporting in by phone, not being allowed out of my vehicle while our order was put in the car, and then unlocked gates to be let out again.
Because I was off to town, I had an earlier walk this morning, and it was really foggy while I was out.
Even the sunrise was hidden!
I also thought I'd better start chipping away at some of the items on my lists that I want to get finished this year. 'Hannah and Harrington' have been basted for a long time so I pulled it out and started on the stitch in the ditch around the applique blocks. I've got a special foot to use to quilt around the wool felt so I'll have to hunt that out and work out how to swap it over!

Tomorrow I want to work on both these quilts again....I also have a pile of apples that need cooking up.
Take care, 
Happy stitches,


  1. that sounds like a good safe way to get the farm supplies. People here are still shopping too much - I don't know if they really think they are safe of getting the virus or what but the grocery stores are packed still - I don't think they can keep 6 feet between them. I no my state is not real bad yet particularly my area but I think there are more cases then people know and just not tested yet. We drove by yesterday when on our way for a walk and it was crazy busy (we didn't stop)

  2. I love the little dump truck! I wish I'd had that pattern when my son was little.

  3. NZ is being very cautious. It’s good you can make the most of your time wit your home based activities.

  4. Those truck blocks are going to be darling--can't wait to see more of them--
    I remember doing that Hannah and Harrington quilt top--would like to do it again--
    but may using all fabrics and applique this time-oh well--I have lots of projects in the works right now and just added some more today--
    I also remember making homemade applesauce when I was younger--ours was pink cause we cooked them with the peels on then strained them to remove the peels--was a pretty color--so have fun--
    luv, di

  5. The truck is looking wonderful Raewyn, sounded like getting the farm supplies was a bit different, but will keep you safe. Hope you get more quilting time in between other things to do. Wish I could swap some figs for apples!! Great photo from your morning walk.

  6. your truck is great... good to hear places are putting safe ways of doing shopping... even if it feels a bit like living in a strange place... good to see Hannah and Harrington out.. it was such a fun stitch a long.... are you talking about the foot like a cup? goes over lumps and bumps easily.... now I feel like some apple crumble...

  7. Lots to do - the truck looks great. xx

  8. Interesting way to get supplies. Our feed store is still open. I run in, order, pay, they load. Nice walk, even foggy it is pretty.

  9. Going shopping in these times takes a bit of getting used to. We are trying some of the on-line deliveries as we can get them in our area. Our first came yesterday from a big hardware store. We had lots we needed for the garden and were very happy with the service. Not the same as being able to browse the plants and displays, but still very happy. Will try groceries next week.

  10. Oh that truck is so sweet! Shopping is a little surreal at the moment, but it's amazing how quickly shops and so on have adapted so it is as safe as possible x


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