
Monday, January 21, 2019

A new project

I decided to have a break from stitchery projects this week; I hadn't done much for a while and now I think I've done enough for now.
Something I haven't done in a while is some hand applique so, being a new year full of promise, I made a start on a new project!
Several years ago the Australian Homespun magazine ran a year long block of the month called Foxley Village, designed by Natalie Bird. I loved it and subscribed to the magazine for the year. Natalie made hers with Tilda fabrics. I hadn't owned/used these before so started a little collection of my own.
On my list of things to do this year (already committed, have the patterns and the fabric) was Foxley Village and now I have made a start.
I was only part way through the first block so continued with it on Friday night, when Wendy hosted Friday Night Sew In. A good number of us from around the world sewed together - thank you for your company everybody :-)
I'm happy to be hand appliqueing again. I am using the back basting method, probably my favourite technique but not the only one I use nor the only way to do it. All I needed to do was gather my fabrics, trace my design and I could start sewing straight away. You can just see on the photo below how I trace the design onto the back of the fabric.
I've done a little more over the weekend and am at this stage —
I'm starting to get somewhere. I'll machine sew one edge of the bias stem down so I just have to flip it over and hand sew one edge down.. Initially I thought the spots looked a little OTT but the other large leaf and the bird  have balanced it all out a little.

Once I've finished this block I'll get back to my current stitchery project. This is a new mystery block of the month I signed up for (from The Country Yard). I think it's going to be very cute and if I keep up it will be ready for Christmas this year :-)

In other sewing news, last year (hehe, it was only a few weeks ago) I tested another dog pattern for Juliet of Tartankiwi (on *Instagram here*)
I thought my boxer turned out pretty well, but do admire the ones Juliet has made in fabrics quite different to mine!
A close up of the fabrics —
I've previously tested two other dog blocks for Juliet, they're *here*. They made great cushions and this one will probably become a cushion as well.

I usually try to write these 'Friday Night' link up posts on Saturday afternoon, or Sunday morning at the latest. You can see I had a very good excuse not to get this post done when I wanted.

Can you tell that I'm getting some quilt absorption training in while the kiddies are nice and young, trying to make sure that using quilts is as natural as breathing :-)
Time to get moving and get this posted.
Till next time, 
Happy stitches ♥


  1. Your two projects both look lovely. I'm combining stitchery and applique in my latest start!
    Love the pictures of the little one on quilts.

  2. I love your quilt tester--how sweet!!!
    and a couple really neat looking projects you are working on there--
    will watch for updates!!!
    luv, di

  3. Beautiful babies and beautiful quilts! The boxer is unmistakable. The designer is very talented. :-)

  4. I've never done "real" hand appliqe, only with blanket stitch. Your new project looks lovely. Such beautiful baby photos too!

  5. Loving your applique! The Tilda fabrics are perfect for this, small prints & pretty colours, it's going to look wonderful!

  6. Beautiful applique Raewyn. It is a lovely design and will be just beautiful in those fabrics. You are so clever with those doggie blocks. Gorgeous babies are such enjoyable time wasters lol! Hugs xx

  7. lovely new project and your fabrics look lovely for it.... I have never tried that technique so was good to read up about it.... certainlhy works well - your circles are perfect.
    Lovely to see the quilts getting a good outing with bubs … perfect

  8. Adorable little quilt user :)
    Love the fabrics you're using for Foxly Village.

  9. Great idea - new year, new project. Why not.
    Love the start you have made to your block.
    And the dog block looks great - very recognizable.
    Great move to have the little ones using quilts as often as possible. Let it all soak in!

  10. I love that little applique block! So sweet. And yes, it is best to get the little ones used to quilts early as they will see them often!! So cute.

  11. Hi Raewyn beautiful work you have done my friend,love the dog block,very clever.
    What an adorable baby so cute ,yes i would be distracted too,lol,hope you have a lovely day Raewyn xx

  12. Beautiful applique block and I think the green spots are just great! Your boxer block does definitely look like a boxer, perhaps because we were used to seeing them with tail docked the tail as it should be looks strange. Personally I'm glad that the practice of docking has stopped. The little ones look well and happy, great fun but they do seem to put a hold on our handwork projects.

  13. Foxley Village is a beautiful quilt Raewyn, you are going well on your first block. That stitchery is lovely,and a good take anywhere project, that little twinnie is growing!!

  14. Pretty fabrics in your block. I admire anyone who hand appliques. Well done on testing the dog block.

  15. I LOVE Foxley Village Raewyn. When Natalie first published it in Tilda's it took my breath away. I am so happy you are doing it. I shall come back later & look up that applique method you have linked to. Love your boxer dog!!!

  16. Love the new appliqué project so far. And great to see kids getting a taste for quilts early :)

  17. Foxley Village is such a pretty quilt - good idea about "quilt absorption". Just LOVE the boxer - a bit fiddly but so good.

  18. Beautiful projects and the littles are adorable.

  19. Love that basket quilt at the end... which reminds me I have that pattern! Still need to fine tune my project list!

  20. I love the colors you've chosen for you applique! I'm trying to do more hand applique these days, but I have so many other projects in line first. I'm going to try so hard this year to whittle down my list. If I can do that, I won't feel as guilty if I want to buy more fabric. Must keep the blinders on for now.,

  21. It seems to take me a week or more to get around to various blogs visiting! Loving your foxley village appliqué and looking forward to seeing the Christmas project come to life! I hope to work on my Xmas project in the next day so as to be a good elf lol

  22. What a great excuse not to sew. I love to see the quilts used by the little ones. Mine use theirs all the time.You will love Foxly village our group did it together and enjoyed it immensely.

  23. Love both your projects! I started Foxley village... um... er... oh dear, must have been the middle of 2017 now!! It's on a ship on the way back from Dubai at the moment :) When it gets here I should keep working on it!!! xx


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