
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Online Quilters Meet and Greet

I am delighted to be taking part in Benita's 2018 Quilters Meet and Greet event.

Benita, of Victoriana Quilt Designs, has created this to encourage and inspire quilters from around the world via a wee bit of blog hopping.  She has put together a great list of quilting blogs for us all to visit over the month.
And even better, every blog you visit during the party gives you a chance to go into a draw to win an amazing grand prize!
How does it work? Visit the blogs on the list, enjoy meeting new bloggers and seeing what they get up to. Click on the link to enter for the prize. That's it!
We have until October 1st to do the visiting - I'm so relieved it doesn't have to be squeezed into a few days! AND the prize will be shipped to anywhere in the world so we all have a chance to win :-)

My role as one of the guest bloggers is to introduce myself and my quilting.
I'm Raewyn, I live in the northern part of New this part of the world that means we have a 'sub-tropical' climate. My husband and I are dairy farmers. At this time of the year that means plenty of this —
As I'm actively involved in all aspects of our calving and the chief calf rearer it means a busy time outdoors and little quilting time indoors.
When I get a chance though, I do enjoy my time in The Palace (as my husband calls it). Benita asked for a quilt picture to include in her promotion and I hurriedly sent her this one, my latest finish (isn't our latest finish often the latest favourite?) —
You can read more about my Eeyore quilt *here*
I think I'd be accurate to call myself a prolific starter of quilts but not a prolific completer. I do try though and do mean to finish all I start - at some stage!

I'm very lucky to work part-time at my local quilt shop, The Country Yard. This of course is the ideal place for someone like me :-) Last year we had a great time sewing the Moda Be My Neighbour quilt as a sewalong. What a relief it was to get this huge one finished earlier this year.
There's more about this quilt *here*.
A few years ago I was taking part in all sorts of free motion quilting challenges. These were great fun and gave me the confidence to design a free motion quilting BOM for The Country Yard.
Birdy Love was the result - I still love this quilt and am tickled pink that I was able to pull this programme off! 
More Birdy Love details are *here*.
I  have a love of mini sewing. I got a little silly one day and made this wee one —
Details *here*
You may pick from the above photo that I don't like to throw away leftover bits of fabric and therefore I have several scrap quilts on the go. This is a top I pieced but it still remains unquilted. A great combination; scraps and stars!
And this runner was made from bonus HSTs
Stitchery is another enjoyment. I've been stitching up some Whimsical Woodland blocks lately for a mystery I'm taking part in.
Also this year I've been doing some test sewing for Juliet of Tartankiwi. These birds are from her Birds on a Wire series. They're 6" finished so as well as enjoying some Foundation Paper Piecing I've been able to indulge my love of 'small sewing'.

It's been quite a blast from the past going through my blog looking for photos to share here!! It's also been rather daunting noting how many unfinished projects I have packed away within the posts of my blog - which means they're floating around The Palace somewhere too, waiting ever so quietly for me to get to them!
Thank you for your patience getting this far in the post!! I hope you take the time to visit the other bloggers taking part this month as well. I'm looking forward to meeting new bloggers and keeping the bloglove alive.
Don't forget to click on the image below to enter for the Grand Prize Benita has put together for this event.
Finally, thank you to Benita of Victoriana Quilt Designs for putting this together for our enjoyment.

Happy stitches,


  1. Happy to read your post today - calves and Eeyore and scraps - all good!!!

  2. Always enjoy your posts and see the beautiful work you do both with your sewing and the farm.

  3. I adore your Eeyore quilt -- he's precious! Lots of lovely quilts on display in your post today! :)

  4. Those Birds on a Wire are so cute! Thanks for sharing your talent!

  5. I always love visiting and catching up on your busy life, Raewyn. Your stitchng is always so beautiful. Those 6" birds are going to make a great quilt.

  6. Nice to meet you, Raewyn. So interesting to read about other quilters, especially ones so far away.

  7. Cute birds on a wire. I alsways enjoy reading your posts.

  8. I love that rainbow star quilt, I have to admit, I think the starting of quilts is usually more fun than finishing them.

  9. lovely to read all this... sometimes a quick snapshot of who you are and what you sew is a great reminder of a lovely friend...

  10. Another lovely post Raewyn! Love your 'birds on the wire' and of couses Eeyore always makes me smile :)

  11. Lovely to get a nice "recap" of you and your life :) Love all your quilts... you are so talented!! xx

  12. Hi Raewyn, SO wonderful to see a Kiwi quilter in the Meet and Greet, your latest in those colours is a beauty. Busy down here too, the spring growth means a lot more outside work, and for you with calving , extra hours.

  13. This "Meet and Greet" is so fun! I love your work and am looking forward to see your birds finished.

  14. Your quilts are all so much fun! I really love the teeny tiny one! I just put you on my Bloglovin feed - will enjoy seeing more of your posts.

  15. Lovely to look through your post and be reminded of all the different things you do!

  16. The Eeore quilt is so adorable!! I have so enjoyed getting to know new to me quilt bloggers! I am adding you to my list!

  17. Lovely to meet you and your blog. Love your projects.

  18. Love, love, LOVE your Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt and that small Bonus Triangle quilt!! I like using Bonus Triangles, too. I'm not QUITE so crazy as you with that tiny quilt you made!

  19. Great post Raewyn, well worth the time and effort. Always great to see your quilting, even those tiny mind boggling ones!!

  20. I love George's quilt, always a pleasure to see it! The rainbow is a beauty too ;)

  21. I can't pick a favorite of your quilts, they are all lovely! I am following you now!

  22. Eyeyore is so adorable and sweet...I love it! When I look back at posts about my quilts, I am always surprised at what I accomplished. It looks like you've accomplished a lot even if you have some unfinished ones waiting for you.

  23. Eeyore is a sweet quilt! and yes - the one we are working on does seem to be the favorite at the moment right? Your dairy cows are cute too ;-)

  24. Nice to meet you, visiting from the Meet and Greet. I did one of those monster Be My Neighbor quilts too! Love your embroidered block.

  25. You have a new follower on Bloglovin'. I can't imagine cattle in what I think of as a "sub-tropical" climate. I grew up on a dairy farm in Eastern US and we had high's about 90 degrees F and below zero F. Ice would be on the cattle and that's when the calves were ususally born - during our winter when it was COLD. Your quilts are amazing. I love your embroidery work, too. I think it's probably dangerous for quilters to work in a quilt shop - LOL. Thank you for participating in the hop. I look forward to getting to know you better.

  26. nice to meet you! I enjoyed visiting and seeing your quilts. The little stitchery block is cute!Thanks for sharing!

  27. I enjoyed reading your Blog and seeing your beautiful quilts! That mini quilt sure was small! Thanks for sharing.

  28. I have always loved Eeyore so of course that quilt is my very favourite! The birdies are so cute too (but my heart belongs to Eeyore). Thank you for inviting us over for a visit with you.

  29. UFOs are the bain of my life. I do, like you...start but not always finish. It's always a joy when I have a finish to show and share. Scraps...yes...stars...yes; way to go!

  30. Thank You Raewyn for sharing your quilts and story - I enjoyed reading about you.
    Thanks for being part of the Quilters Meet & Greet! <3

  31. I love your quilts! I want to make the bird blocks! Your Eeyore quilt is so cute and the stars quilt is fantastic. Thank you for sharing your work.

  32. Awesome them ALL!! You are sure a busy & quilting too. Thank you for inviting us all to come visit & get to know you! :)

  33. The Meet & Greet has been such a great way to meet other quilting bloggers. New Zealand is on my list of want-to-visit. (We've been as close as Australia!) Meanwhile we're fans of 800 Words, broadcast here on Saturday nights.

  34. Hi Raewyn,
    Sorry to be late commenting but I’ve had such troubles commenting recently .... I think I can comment again now, so I’m hoping this will work!
    It was great to read more about you, and I do love all your quilts ..... but I really love teeny quilting projects, they’re right up my street! Thanks so much for the links to how you made your teeny quilt!
    Barbara xx


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate them all and try my best to reply. Have a great day!!
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