
Sunday, October 9, 2022

High Teas and Stitching

I had a change of scenery this week, which was lovely. With our son-in-law taking over my farm duties, I was able to spend two nights away at Mum's. The occasion? Her 85th birthday!
One of my aunties arranged a High Tea in Tauranga. My first experience of one of these...very impressive - and yummy!
Although the weather wasn't very spring like (the whole country experienced an unseasonal Antarctic Polar Blast this week) the setting and outlook was very nice —
Mum in purple and four of her siblings; myself and my sister (on the left) and a couple of cousins. We have an open door 'policy' for our family celebrations...whoever is in town invites themselves and turns up. You never know who you will catch up with! 
Even the two coeliacs were well catered for! —
After the High Tea, we all gate-crashed my sister's for coffee, and then Mum and I stayed a bit longer for (a light) dinner.
Another day in the car and here I am back home again!
All was well with my animals. I'm sure the calves have doubled in size in the time I was away 😀
These guys didn't care who fed them - as long as they were fed on time —
But these ones were a little more sociable and came over for a chat and a nibble while I was gardening!

On the sewing front, my latest evening project is this stitchery —
I am nearing the bottom of it which is a good feeling!
(Santa's Workshop by The Birdhouse)
And I got to my quilting before I went away. I always struggle (ie procrastinate) to start quilting something but once I get started the ideas flow!
Do they look like bear's claws?!
The faces are all done —

And I'm about half way through the fill —
The churn dashes have been neglected so far this month, but I have started cutting out the next batch. Perhaps I'll get those sewn up this afternoon?
'til next time,
happy stitches!


  1. The high tea looks lovely Raewyn, were you on the Tauranga Harbour? Lovely to have a family get together. The calves are looking very healthy and happy. Lovely Christmas stitchery, nothing better than getting towards the end. Great quilting on your bears too, and yes it does look like a bears paw.

  2. How lovely you could all help you Mum celebrate her birthday. Your quilting is looking great.

  3. So special to be able to celebrate Mums 85th birthday with a high tea in such a gorgeous place.I went to my first every high tea for my DD2s 50th .
    The calves sure are getting big. How long do you still fed them for?
    Perfect quilting on the paws 🐾 and the rest looks great.
    That’s a lovely stitchery you are working on.
    God luck with your churn dash.

  4. What a lovely occasion Raewyn and a beautiful setting. Good for your to get away for a few nights too I am sure. The embroidery is looking lovely and your quilting perfect! They most definitely look like bears paw claws. xx

  5. I certainly understand how wonderful it is to be able to get away from chores for a few days. It was so nice your mother was able to celebrate her birthday with her loved ones. Happy stitching!

  6. Happy 85th Birthday to your lovely Mom. And I'm delighted you and so many could take advantage of the "open door family policy" and help celebrate. High Tea sounds like a perfect way to have fun on her birthday.


  7. Happy 85th to your Mom--what a lovely place for high tea and some fun and laughter--
    and happy everything at home was well cared for while you were out party'n!!!!
    hugs, di

  8. A lovely family get together!

  9. Lovely to spend time with family. High tea is always a treat.
    Your quilting looks lovely.

  10. Happy birthday to your Mum. It sounds like a lovely getaway. Your stitching in making great progress and the bear quilting looks very nice.

  11. Happy Birthday to your Mum, it looked a lovely occasion. I adore High Tea, but sadly havent been to one for a while. That was quite a drive for you, wasnt it? Must have taken a while. So p,eased your SIL stepped in and you could get away for a couple of nights.

  12. What a lovely day for your mum:-)
    Nice Christmas stitching too.

  13. What a great idea to do for your mum and one everyone will treasure I know! I haven't had proper English tea like that since I took my mum and her best friend, who also is my aunt, to a British shop and restaurant in Florida of all places lol.

  14. Beautiful projects, and that food looks amazing. So do the cows eating below the people pictures. =)

  15. Looks like a lovely party for your Mum.

  16. Your applique block..last post is lovely!
    What a great get together for your family and celebration for your MUM. Chateau Laurier here in Ottawa does high tea each Sunday and I've enjoyed it several times. It is fun. I enjoy seeing your embroidery and those bear claws too. Happy Stitching from me!!

  17. Happy Birthday to your mum. What a great way to catch up for her celebration. Glad you could do it.
    Good to see little bit of stitching, too.

  18. what a lovely celebration...those mums are so special aren't they? the stitchery is looking goood....

  19. Raewyn - belated Happy Birthday to your mum! I have been to several high teas and they are such a "sinful delight"! And I will be enjoying another one on Tuesday with my matron of honor, who lives in the UK. (Yes, we are going to the UK.) I am looking forward to it!!!

    Your stitchery is lovely; I am working on Christmas ornaments for my kids and future son-in-law. I love these simple projects that are quickly finished!

  20. How lovely to be able to celebrate your mum's 85th! The high tea looked delicious! Love all your stitching, so pretty xx

  21. Happy birthday to your dear Mum...a high tea sounded just lovely! Good you could have a break away for a bit. Lots of lovely sewing happening and well sone on Wings from your previous post. Its lovely.....I just seem to get further and further behind with my blog reading xx

  22. Good that you had some time away, and that high tea looks so yummy, and your quilting is fantastic.

  23. Hi Raewyn, I really love your FMQ - that bear paw and face are really great! Come on by to link up. Take care.


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