
Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Binding time

Once again I can't believe how quickly the days have gone by since my last post! It feels like not a lot has been happening in The Palace, BUT something has happened, and that something is some quilting!
I recently came across a linky party for Free Motion Mavericks and WOW! that is exactly how I feel about the quilting I have done on the Bears quilt for my great-niece. Very maverick-ic, if that is a word!
When I was piecing the quilt I told myself (continually so that I would get the message) that I was going to do an all-over quilting design.
"Quicker and all that is necessary on a child's quilt."
When I was basting the quilt I told myself (continually so that I would get the message) that I was going to do an all-over quilting design.
However once I sat down, the bears told me they needed proper faces —
The Bear Paw blocks told me they wanted a bit of fanciness and to look like claws —
And then I decided a feather fill would be perfect for this quilt.
I think I've broken every feather rule in the quilting world. I have small feathers, large feathers, long feathers, short feathers, wonky feathers, beautiful feathers, all side-by-side.
And to add insult to injury, I have small spirals, large spirals, spikey spirals, loopy spirals —
And because the border fabric is busy, I just did a diagonal checkerboard there  - I did try to measure to get it all even but didn't get it quite right; however it's barely visible and a wee lass won't be bothered by it!
Binding will happen over the next few days and then I will have a long awaited finish!
Thank you to Andree at Quilting and Learning -What a combo! for encouraging me to join the linky. If you want to see other Maverick Free Motion Quilting, or join in just go *here*.

And binding of a different type. Over the weekend we attended the wedding of one of ED's best friends. ED was in the bridal party, and YD and  I travelled down south (to the Waikato) together for it.
It was a great 36 hours away; the wedding was held at an Alpaca Farm which added an extra bit of fun and personality to the proceedings! 
We were told by one official-type person that we were allowed in with the Alpacas, but were quickly shooed out by another!
The bride's family and ours (well, me and my girls) spent a lot of time together when they were teenagers. The girls attended a lot of horse competitions so we travelled together, camped together and the girls rode together. Here are the girls with their 'other mummies' —
(YD in the red and ED on the right.) (The bride in her Dancing Dress!)
Such a fun night. I'm slowly catching up on my sleep (!)
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. You have been having fun!
    I know it takes longer, but I stick to hand quilting!!

  2. Love how a quilt talks of what it needs, glad you listened. Looks fab. Wedding and catch up so special. xx Love Leanne

  3. sounds like a fun wedding I thought I might have been missing some of your posts but you said you hadn't been blogging - sometimes we need a little break

  4. Grrrrreat quilting on the bears.

  5. Such fun attending a wedding at an alpaca farm! Your bear quilt looks gorgeous, the little one will love it.

  6. Love the quilting on your bear quilt! The bears definitely needed faces. They look great.
    Looks like you had great weather for the fun wedding amongst the alpacas.

  7. Rules are of course meant to be broken - I love your feathers and all the quilting, what fun. And sounds like a very fun wedding too! xx

  8. Your quilting is gorgeous! It looks like you had a great time at the wedding!

  9. Your quilting for the bear quilt looks lovely. I am so pleased you listened to what the bears were saying to you. The result is perfect.
    It looks like the wedding was a great success. Lovely photos.

  10. Hi Raewyn, thanks so much for the shout out - your quilt is so very mavericky :-) I'm so glad that you linked up to Free Motion Mavericks. Your quilt is this week's feature. Thanks again!

  11. The quilt always tells you how it needs to be quilted!! Great work

  12. Fantastic quilting on the cute bears 🐻 🐻 🐻 …
    Lovely to have been able to attend the wedding…

  13. While you may have listened clearly the bears didn't! What can you do, the quilt will always win the way it wants to be quilted and it is so cute. How fun the wedding looks.

  14. I’m glad your bears were persistent. They look beautiful and your free form quilting really works well. The wedding must have been great fun.

  15. Oh, I know just where you are coming from on the quilting of the bear quilt. I don't know how many times I have told myself that a quilt just needs an all-over design, only to end up custom quilting it. No one cares but me. Why can't I take the easy way? Explain that to me, will you Raewyn?? LOL
    Wow--a 36 hour drive to a wedding? No trains or planes to get you there? I don't think I have ever driven anywhere that far. But at an alpaca farm--how fun! We used to have 3 alpacas on our farm, but now there is just one llama.
    Isn't it interesting that you get a "yes" from one official person, and an "absolutely not" from another? Have had similar experiences in other settings. Rather frustrating. But it looks like a grand time--what a lovely bunch of ladies you are!

  16. The bear quilt quilting looks wonderful Raewyn. Lovely photo of you and the girls.


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