
Wednesday, August 17, 2022

One side border!

After a relentless few days on the farm, I was glad of the chance to shut myself in The Palace yesterday. I got two hours of uninterrupted sewing time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My focus was to get a side border for Memory Lane done. You may remember, in my last post, that I have done both top and bottom borders and I still needed to plan how to do the sides.
The top and bottom are based on 2" (finished size) squares. That was what I was wanting to do for the sides too, but my stitcheries were going to be too small. That is because I've gone rogue - the original quilt has them trimmed to 3½" (I think) whereas mine needed to be 4½".
I had came up with an idea that I thought might work and had done my cutting.
Yesterday's sewing —
Planning on the Design Floor —
Here is the side border completed —
A bit of a closeup —

I'm loving how it's coming together and will be excited to sew the last border and get it all joined up!

We have some wet and wild weather forecast for the next few days (much of the country does) so I took some quick photos of our Magnolia tree in case it loses all its blooms. The blossoms are not quite open yet but you can see they are a lovely colour when they are.

And another 20 calves have ventured out of the calf shed to new premises. These ones are in a shed which I have to access via the road. Not quite as convenient but it is cosy and they do have a nice view looking out towards our daughter-in-law's photography studio. The kids can also easily visit them on their way to and from school.

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. I must have missed your last post, but that border is so cute. Nice job figuring it out.
    Those Magnolia blossoms are gorgeous!
    Look at all those eager calves. Fun to have them where the kiddies can see them on their way to and from school.

  2. Your border does look great. More happy calves. xx

  3. The border turned out well. I hope your magnolia blooms survive. Stay snug inside.

  4. A lovely border and pretty magnolia buds, hope they survive the weather …
    Such a colourful batch of calves…

  5. Those borders look wonderful

    Hopefully, the magnolia tree blooms survive - it will be stunning in flower.

  6. hope the flowers don't fall off the trees they are so pretty - you are heading into spring and soon we will be heading into fall. Love your embroidery blocks

  7. The border looks perfect. I do hope the magnolia blossoms survive. They are so pretty when they bloom. How nice it is for the children to visit the cattle on the way to school.

  8. Your border pieces are looking lovely.
    The children will have to leave early for school, I'm sure they love to stop and see the calves.

  9. I do so love a magnolia tree in bloom. Good idea on an easy fix with your embroidered blocks. And look at those cute little calves, soon they will be venturing out into the big wide paddock.

  10. Border is lovely.... I do love magnolia's...

  11. Great job on that border, looks fantastic. Hope your blossoms survived the weather, and love the calf photo, takes me back.

  12. That border is looking great. Well done getting it sorted out.
    Your magnolia is looking gorgeous!!!!
    Your calves are looking fit and well, too. And very cute.

  13. That is a lovely border...I would put that round a plain centre!

  14. Raewyn - it's the simple things in life, such as two hours uninterrupted stitching, that keeps our world to rights. It is a beautiful piece of work! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I hope the weather is not too severe.


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