
Sunday, August 21, 2022

Friday Night

I haven't been able to join in with Friday sewing events for a while so I was pleased when the stars lined up last night, and I could take part in Wendy's Friday Night Sew In this month.

Friday's a busy day for me, it's the day I work at the quiltshop then I race home for farm chores - at the moment there are lots of hungry calves needing feeding. But I was relatively organised with dinner and by the time it was dark, I was happily ensconced in my stitching chair ♥
First of all, I finished sewing the last of my hexie-flowers onto background fabric —
Here is the little team of hexies I have made for my 2022 quilt —

Next I started a stitchery I have had my eye on for the last few weeks but hadn't got to.
It's a sweet stitchery gifted in the Tilda Lovers Group (FB). I have a rough idea what I would like to do with it, but I am hoping that a firmer plan will form as I stitch! As you can see, I didn't get very far but I'm pleased I made a start.
(To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. Such a sweet sentiment.)

On Saturday morning I was able to sew a few last seams on my latest churndashes. August has been a slow month in the land of Chrundashes but I'm hoping to dedicate a bit of time to them in the coming week to get my tally up. I need 39 of this size (6") for the quilt I am doing and I am up to 31 so that's not bad!

Thank you very much Wendy, for hosting Friday Night Sew In. To see who else took part, you can visit her Sugarlane Designs blog *here*.
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Productive little sewing space.......... Doing great with the churn dash blocks.......

  2. Loads going on at your place.

  3. Some pretty sewing happening....


  4. Churn dash blocks are looking good.

  5. Lovely stitching and churn dashing Raewyn. Friday is a super busy day for you.

  6. You had a busy day. Love the stitchery & the churn dash blocks are pretty.

  7. Cute hexies and a good start on the stitchery.
    Your Churn Dashes are pretty and not many 6” ones to go.

  8. Love the embroidery sentiment - great work for your Friday night after a busy day. xx

  9. You sure got the most out of Friday! Nice job on the hexie flower.
    I do like the sentiment you are stitching. Look forward to seeing what else there is in the design.
    Very happy churn dash additions. You will have all your blocks made before you know it!

  10. So glad you were able to join us. You always have such pretty projects going. The embroidery really does have a pretty sentiment. Such a positive thought. Glad you got your chores done in time. It was nice sewing with you Friday!

  11. Raewyn - I am not ready for summer to be over, but I am looking forward to weather that makes me want to stay inside and stitch! Lovely pieces in this post!

  12. That's a lovely stitchery
    Good progress on the Churn Dsh - in effect you are ahead of Chooky's timetable - but finishing by the end of Oct could be a challenge if you left it all til October.

  13. I love seeing these churn dashes pop up and think the entire quilt is going to be just wonderful. Each time I see you working on embroidery, I think I must pull out my mouse one..and that’s as far as it gets! The hexies are coming along nicely too-maybe now I have my wicker chairs upstairs in the TV nook end of my sewing room I should dedicate one to being a stitching chair and that might motivate me!


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