
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Block-a-day-July Day 18

We've given ourselves a quiet-ish couple of weeks as we knew this was about to happen —
Yes, our first calf!
Her mum is on the left. The white cow was acting like she might calve last night so we separated her from the rest of the mob too.

In The Palace, I did a LOT more tidying - and didn't get distracted by random side-tracks this time(!). I unearthed some more partially completed Omigosh! blocks so sewed them up, making two more blocks for that (very long term) project.
I enjoy making the shoo-fly type blocks for Omigosh so much that I forget about making the 9-patch ones as well.

And one more (6") churndash too —

My evening knitting is going quite well and I've nearly finished the sleeves. The blue wool you see there is all I have left. It's enough for a few more blue rows on the second sleeve, to match the first. The gold on top looks a bit silly in the photo but matches the rest of the jersey just fine!
We had a pretty nice sky last night. Not captured terribly well here but I'm hoping that it will mean a nice day today for our first foray into calf-busy-ness!

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Lots of lovely progress.
    Hope the weather stays fine for calving. Today it is wet, wet, wet here in the South.

  2. Your first calf for the season and another cute l churn dash block makes me very happy.......

  3. welcome to our world little calf..... I still love oh my gosh....

  4. And the busyness begins with the first calf…
    Like those OMGOSH blocks and another nice Churn.
    Hope you have enough wool for the sleeve …

  5. Nice blocks and your knitting must nearly be finished. Cute calf. xx

  6. Those blocks look quite fiddly.

    How lovely to have a baby calf...

  7. It is so fun to watch the calves when they start frisking around. :)
    Do you have any idea how far along you are with your OMIGOSH quilt? Halfway? More? Less?
    That sunset is gorgeous!

  8. And so it starts, the first calf! Great blocks Raewyn.

  9. You are really keeping up with the block a day project. Very impressive. Hope you enjoy your quiet time.


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