
Sunday, July 17, 2022

Block-a-day-July Day 17

I got to potter in The Palace for a bit today; the only blocks of any consequence that I made were two more Churndashes.
The pattern I am using calls for churndashes of four different sizes. So far I've only made 6" blocks so I changed things up a bit today and made a 12" one. 
Here's what I've done so far. So far I have averaged one a day in the week I have been making them. If I can keep this up I'll be happy.... 😀
We had a fun time today with a bit of an early birthday party for the two girls turning seven soon. It's the middle of school holidays so my DIL decided it was a good timing for some bike play and some cake at one of the primary schools.
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. You're making good progress, good on you for sticking to your block a day.
    That cake looks great.

  2. gosh I can't believe those girls are turning 7 - it just seems the other day they were born!
    Your churndashes look great....


  3. Great blocks Raewyn, the twins had a gorgeous birthday cake, I am with Fiona, how did they get to be 7 already!??

  4. Good to see your churn dashes growing - stunning cake! xx

  5. OMG how can they be 7 already...... Lovely churn dash blocks..... Going to be interesting seeing this one come together


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