
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Time In a Bottle Blog Hop

It's been a while since I've taken part in a blog hop, but when Carol, of Just Let Me Quilt, put out the call for this one, it seemed like a fun thing to join in with.

The challenge was to 'add an hourglass to your project".

The easy bit was signing up to take part - the difficult bit was to decide what to do. Luckily, I have, at my fingertips, an infinite amount of resources (haha that's tricky speak for 'an overflowing stash'). After a bit of a think and a rummage I decided to take an orphan block and add to it, using hourglass blocks.
The orphan block is one I made when I tested a Boxer Dog pattern for Juliet of Tartankiwi (back in 2019). Rather handsome, and because of the size, it's a block I'd always thought would make a great floor cushion.
The block measured twenty inches. I had a play in EQ8 and decided small hourglasses (as well as being fiddly) were too busy for the simply coloured centre block. Larger, four inch, blocks were going to be the perfect size. 
Luckily I found more of the background fabric to use. And the more autumnal coloured fabrics were the best colour match, too.
A moment of inattention meant a date with the quick unpick —
Et Voila —
Sadly this is as far as I got. I had hoped to get back to it and actually complete the cushion but we had a busy family week which thwarted any more attempts to sew.

I like to put plain outer borders on my cushions so the 'pretty part' doesn't disappear as it curves towards the back after inserting the cushion inner. This one now finishes at 32" - almost big enough for a small quilt but it is a big cushion I want!
I imagine finding some hard wearing fabric (denim or drill perhaps) scraps in the cupboard to use for the back. A zip inserted somewhere will complete it. Then it will go downstairs to the kids' hangout' room. You'll have to picture the finished result for now! 

Here are some photos of other blocks which I have tested/sewn for Juliet over the years, also finished into cushions. These two are quite small and are on the beds in the kids' room —
And these larger ones are on the small sofa in the dining/kitchen area —

Here are the other bloggers who are taking part today —

The full list of bloggers for this hop is *here*.
Thank you Carol for hosting us all - it was fun to work on this challenge 😄

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. It's a gorgeous project and great way to use up an orphan block.

  2. Great use of an orphan block. You did manage to squeeze some time in to that bottle.

  3. What a great way to use your orphan block and join in the challenge. 👍

  4. Such sweet projects that you have been working on and I adore how you used the orphan blocks. They are so cheerful. Have a very lovely week and happy quilting.

  5. Your dog block blows me away! SO well done!
    The addition of the hourglass border really makes it stand out.
    You are very good about making up cushions from the test blocks. I seem to just think "mini quilt". But I think this finished challenge piece of yours will make a beautiful cushion. :)

  6. your dog blocks are amazing and you have finished the boxer block off beautifully.
    love your amazing paper piecing talents.

  7. That is a great way to use the block. And perfect for a cushion.

  8. Raewyn, yours is a sensational idea, and the use of the brights with the darker of the boxer seems pefect to me . We have a herd of dachshunds in our extended family, and the test piece you made would be a winner here as well

  9. What's not to love, your project is adorable! I like the autumnal colours you used for the hourglass blocks, perfect.

  10. Great project! The noble dog in the center and the colorful hourglass blocks around the outside, make a lovely soon-to-be cushion.

  11. your dog is so cute and the hour glass blocks really add the color needed to this to make it sparkle

  12. Wow, those blocks sure make your fun boxer block stand out. Your bright and cheery cushions are such a joy to see. Glad you joined in on the bloghop!

  13. Beautiful cushion cover! I love how to colors are so vibrant against the background and dog silhouette. Great idea of turning single testing blocks into cushion covers. I have so many I don't know what to do with, but I love this idea!

  14. Love the boxer, and how cool is it to use up an orphan block? Love the colors you used also.

  15. Wonderful project, and a great use for that orphan block. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Great project, and use of an orphan block. That cushion is going to be lovely, as are all your others! Thanks so much for sharing!

  17. Love how you made the border using the hourglass blocks. It is such a great finish around your dog. You are definitely a dog lover. So nice to have a fellow blogger from the other side of the world. Thanks for posting on my blog.

  18. It will be a great cushion. Great idea.

  19. That is really really cute! It will be a great cushion!

  20. Your hourglass blocks frame the main event beautifully. It will be a big hit in the playroom.

  21. This turned out wonderfully, congratulations! Must admit I did wonder if you were taking up string liquor when I read your blog title!

  22. This is such an amazing paper pieced dog, so it's great to see you add the hourglasses to finish it into a floor cushion. Love it! Thanks for hopping with us, Raewyn!

  23. Wonderful piece. I love the colorful hourglass blocks around the great paperpieced center.

  24. perfect combination of the big dog block and the hourglass blocks...

  25. Love it! Such a cute dog and the hour glass blocks around it look great! xx

  26. Great use of your orphan block Raewyn. xx

  27. What a beautiful way to use your block. I am always in awe of hour foundation piecing skills xx

  28. Wonderful way to use your orphan block Raewyn, love the border of colour. Your FPP looks so good.

  29. Love the pop of color from the hourglass blocks against the shadow of the boxer. It is going to turn out fantastic!

  30. Terrific accent to the original boxer block. It will finish into a great pillow.

  31. Great colors for a wonderful block. Being a dog lover, it's just perfect.

  32. Wow. I love your blocks. Amazing detail.

  33. I love how you used the hourglass blocks as a border for this fantastic quilt! Awesome!

  34. Such a brilliant idea! I was thinking of you today, so thought I’d pop in to say hello!

  35. The hourglass blocks just make that boxer pillow perfect!

  36. I love what you did with the hourglass blocks to complete the cushion top! The boxer is set off perfectly! Those other pillows are amazing too!

  37. Adorable cushions, Raewyn. Making colorful pillows for our house is one of the many projects on a long crafty to-do list! Enjoy your weekend!

  38. What a great way to use up an orphan block and how sweet your cushion will be!

  39. Like bags, and quilts, one can never have too many cushions!This finished the dog block (great block btw) off perfectly!

  40. The hourglass border works so well.

  41. Awe, the hour glass blocks are so cute with your cute dog.


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