
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Friday Night and Saturday night Sew In

Friday night this week was Friday Night Sew In  - I was happy to join in and spend the evening with like minded crafters from around the globe.
It had been a busy week and I hadn't had a chance to prep anything for my evenings in my comfy chair so I've been knitting some more dishclothes. I had made some last year from cotton yarn that had been sitting around for a while. I wanted to keep knitting until I used it all up.
They don't look too this photo —
Nor in this photo —
But in this photo you see that I have created probably the ugliest dishcloth ever created 😔
Haha as I ran out of one cotton I added another and just kept on knitting until the end.
Definitely not one for the gift box, however I am sure my kitchen bench is not going to mind being wiped down by an ugly cloth!
On the positive side, this is all I have left from four skeins of the cotton yarn.
I knitted all of these cloths with two strands of yarn using *this pattern* which I found in Ravelry.

On Saturday I made sure I did some preparation so that I had something to do in the evening! 
I'm back to working on the Sip Tea and EPP mystery project that was run on Instagram in January. No longer a mystery, it's a lovely little sewing folder. 
This was how far I'd got —
After machine sewing it together yesterday afternoon, last night I sewed the opening up and attached the rosette.
There are a few more decorative features to add so I will continue on with it tonight.
(This was a free sewalong designed by @stitchingnotes and @nordiccrafter (on Instagram). They now have a detailed pattern available which I ended up purchasing to save back and forthing between all the posts. It's available *here* or *here*.)
Thank you Wendy for hosting us this weekend ♥
I have a bit of time left this afternoon before the evening rolls in so I hope to cut some Bear and Popstar blocks for the week's sewing. 
We have had a heavy rain warning for today/tonight but so far no rain has come although there has been a lot of wind. We really need a decent rain so we are hoping something will happen.
I've been starting my dinner prep a bit early so that I can cook up a pot of apples while the meal cooks. A bottle of stewed fruit a night keeps up with the windfalls and makes it less of a task for me.
So with all that in mind,
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. love the little sewing project.......

  2. I knitted a dishcloth yesterday too.

  3. Well I rather like the way the dishcloth fades from one colour to the next. Such a pretty sewing pouch, a nice sewalong. xx

  4. Your epp project is looking really sweet. Both of those IGers have such beautiful feeds.

  5. I am sure your dishes will not mind what colour the cloth is. They look fine to me.
    Great to see other projects getting a turn, too.
    Hope the warning is downgraded for you!!! Take care.

  6. Great to have used up the yarn for your dishcloth…
    Cute sewing pouch.

  7. I wish I had a pot full of apples to cook, my apple tree failed me that I planted about 5 years ago and is now cut down. Now I have to buy apples to make chunky applesauce or pies.

  8. Hi Raewyn your dishcloths turned out great and will be perfect for the kitchen,lovely sewing pouch ,well done on your beautiful work 💕

  9. I'm sure an ugly dishcloth works as well as a non ugly one!

    great to get that sewing folder to an almost finish.

  10. Lovely little sewing pouch.... your beauty challenged dishcloth will work just as good as any other!! haha... I do the same with my left over yarn...

  11. Raewyn - I have read about on-line sewing groups, and thought about them off and on. Thanks for the mention of Friday Night Sew-in. I will have to check it out! I love the sewing bag, and those dishcloths are prettier than the yucky sponges we keep around here WAY TOO LONG!


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