
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A New Year

Well here we are, into a new year already. Somehow my last post for 2021 got swallowed up by gremlins (or something) - hmm maybe that's just my way of saying I didn't quite get here to write my last post!
I hope everyone had a great festive season, and that you all have a happy and healthy 2022.
We seemed to have a busy time between Christmas and New Year. Mostly involving family. The MOML kept busy on the farm trying to get some fencing done before the tractor is needed for feeding out in the summer dry. And while one son-in-law gets the fences out at the runoff under control, our other son-in-law hired a friend's digger and is spending some of his holidays cleaning out our drains and putting in culverts! 

I've had a couple of days out with ED. One time we went up north to Russell for the day; visiting friends up there. While ED and her friend took the kids swimming, us mums had a good old catch up on the sand. It was a bit of an overcast afternoon so we weren't tempted at all by the water!

Another day ED and I met up with another friend and we went for a walk at a reserve in town. A good workout as two three-year olds decided they'd had enough walking after a little while and needed carrying!

Not a lot has happened in The Palace aka the sewing room. 
I have a couple of makes from December to share. 
I made a few oven mitts as Christmas gifts — 
I've done what I often do with things like this - look up tutorials, etc, figure what suits me, then combine them all and write my own instructions to refer back to for another time!
I bought fabric to make a couple more so will (hopefully) do those soon - they can be the first things for the 2022 Christmas box!

And I spent a few evenings making dishcloths - which were a perfect thing to do when I was feeling tired but had itchy fingers!
It started with this lovely recycled yarn we got in at work - I had a play and made a sample—
Then I remembered other cotton yarns I had sitting about that I could also use. Dishcloth number two - there was a limited amount of this yarn so I knitted (and weighed!) until I thought I'd used about half of it, then started decreasing. I didn't run out.....

.....but I didn't quite get it right and had some left over. So for the next dishcloth I combined two yarns - the leftover green/pink and an off-white. When the green/pink ran out I switched to a red. Satisfying to use those scrappy bits!

They boosted my year's tally of finishes a bit - not many in the end but oh well, I'll try again this year!

This is the first photo I took in 2022. A small boy, not long awake, enjoying a bit of quiet play and grinning cheekily at Ganma. (He and his sister stayed here on NY Eve so Mum and Dad could have some time to themselves!)
I thought it was a good way to start the year and it will be a good photo to look back on as 2022 progresses to remind me of the freshness, hope and promises of that time.
(Whew, I think I'm going to get this post completed before our visitors arrive - they'll be staying a couple of days so I really wanted to get this written first!)
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. It looks like you are off to a good 2022. I love the grinning little guy! All life should be so merry.

  2. What a perfect photo to mark the start (and possibilities in) of a new year!

  3. You've been busy, as usual! Looks like some fun adventures with family.
    Your gifts are pretty and practical--I love those kinds.
    Actually, I received an oven mitt like those when I first married (almost 44 years ago), and I love it still. I received a request for info from someone who saw it at a church supper recently. I'm sure I could make a pattern from it, but I haven't tried. Your beautiful ones make me want to try.
    What an adorable parting shot. :)

  4. It’s always busy on the farm so it was nice ED , the kids and you could escape for some relaxing time…..
    Oven mitts and dish clothes make lovely gifts.
    Nice photo of the little fella to look back on.
    All the best for 2022.. ❤️

  5. Sounds like a busy but lovely time for you......

  6. Sounds like all kinds of work is going on outside and inside--
    and a lovely little get away too--
    My new year has been alittle rough around the edges (son and dil are sick with Covid) and the Covid rate in this county is really really high--highest ever, in fact--so I am pretty much keeping myself inside my apartment--have bee waiting for 3 hours for a grocery order-I really cant say I like online ordering for groceries--but--I do like to eat 3 meals a day--sooo???
    happy new year--hugs, di

  7. Happy New Year Raewyn. Life on the farm is always busy so its good go see you getting a bit of time off getting out and about.

  8. Holidays don't mean it's quiet for our farmers that's for sure.... lovely pictures and your oven gloves and cloths look great....

  9. Happy New Year to you and the MOYL Raewyn. The farm work does not stop just because it is holidays for the rest of the country does it! Well done to your son in laws helping out! Great to see you have been able to have some outings, the oven mitts look great and the dish cloths are always useful. Need to make some myself.

  10. This does look like a great way to start the year. Good to make the most of the lovely weather and the holidays.

  11. HNY!!
    Busy busy in the sun! Good that the drains are being sorted now. So many times to see people trying to do it when it's too late!!
    Do you have enough water? Thinking about the cartoon that Kamo Lady put on her blog...

  12. Happy New Year...busy busy, good way to use up those cotton yarns...

  13. Raewyn - love your oven mitts, especially the one with the birdies! Happy New Year!

  14. Lovely to see all the beautiful photos!!

  15. Lovely family photos and gorgoeus one of little Grandson! It seems to be a time to rest and rethink our stitching goals...happy 2022 xx

  16. Lovely to see the family our having fun with the kids. I too knitted some dishcloths for gifts. Actually its time I did a blog post...
    Did you use any particular batting in your oven mitts? I was wondering about that batting one would use for the ironing board.

  17. Those oven mitts are wonderful. I was thinking I should start to make some throughout the year and give them as gifts at Christmas. Goodness knows there is leftover batting and fabric to do them.


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