
Sunday, December 26, 2021

Season's Greetings!

I'm a little late to wish you all a Merry Christmas but I'd like to send my very best wishes for the season to everyone. Wherever you are and however you celebrate I hope you're all having a safe, happy and love filled time.
We had a busy and fun Christmas day. It was the first time in a very long time that we didn't spend Christmas Day here at the farm; ED hosted us all at her place.
There was lots of food, lots of laughter and lots of chatting. It was family, extended family, and friends, so it was lovely to catch up with everyone again.
It seemed like one of the hottest days so far this summer so a cool down between courses was necessary.

I made a couple of Christmas gifts this year. Last post I showed a sneak peek of some stitchery I was doing. Here is the stitching completed —
And here is the little wall hanging finished —
I'm not sure if you can tell but I finished it with walking foot stitching in the ditch of the borders and then free motion quilting around the outside of the stitchery elements. 
(The pattern is Chilly Penguins by The Birdhouse.)
I put little triangles in the top corners so that a piece of dowel could be inserted and used for hanging —
I managed to find some Penguin tree ornaments too. I gifted them last week to my son's family so that they could enjoy them in the lead up to Christmas.
Now the big question....why the penguins and cold theme when we obviously have a very summery Christmas?
Our son is currently working in Antarctica. He's a diesel mechanic and has been doing maintenance, repairs and rebuilds of the generators and 'power stations' down there. An amazing opportunity and experience for him, even though it means he is away from his family for a while.
Although internet usage is limited we were able to chat yesterday, and he's been able to message and send photos through when the satellites are in the right place. He's been working at both McMurdo Station and the South Pole.
Below is one of the world's most isolated power stations. Apparently there were no bolts (or nuts) left over after they had stripped this down and put it back together again! 

I have also made a couple of quick and easy pillowcases —
These were made using the popular Burrito method (just google that for a whole lot of tutorials). However I've always been unhappy with how this method doesn't include an internal flap for helping to keep the pillow inside. So I fiddled a bit and adapted the design to add one. It was actually only a couple more seams and I'm a lot happier with the finished result.
So I think that's enough of a ramble for now. I'll share some more next time.
'til then,
happy stitches,
and compliments of the season,


  1. very interesting place your son is working at! what an experience. Cute gingerbread house - wasn't warm enough for a pool here - but close!

  2. Great gingerbread house! Merry Christmas and all the best to you and yours in the new year! :0)

  3. Happy Christmas Raewyn! Looks like a lovely crowd on Christmas Day. Sweet wall hanging and ornaments. xx

  4. Merry Xmas Raewyn!! 🎅🎁🎄🎁🎅

  5. Looked like a wonderful Christmas with family and friends , even better when going to your EDs….
    What a great idea for the penguin wall hanging and ornaments . Will always be a memory for your son and family of the time he spend in Antartica…
    Pretty pillow slips and good you worked out how to add an inside flap….

  6. I enjoyed your "ramble" - especially the photos of the South Pole region as we have family who will be traveling there in the new year.

  7. I’d gladly share some of that heat with you! It looks like it was a great Christmas gathering. I’m sure your son hated missing it, but that sounds like an interesting experience for him. Your penguins turned out so cute, as did the pillowcases. Great idea to add the flaps.

  8. Fabulous Christmas with all your lovely family.... and perfect gift to send to Antarctica. I was listening to an interview the other day of someone there.... great experience. I like a flap in pillowcases too....

  9. I loved reading your whole post, but wow, the South Pole! I've never been so close to anyone who even sailed by Antarctica! Thanks for all you shared. It looks like a wonderful Christmas.

  10. Sounds like a wonderful Christmas. My son was in the US Navy until this past summer. Many years we were unable to spend the holidays together. I hope your son isn't away every holiday. It is a tough but very important job your son has.

  11. What a wonderful gathering for Christmas Raewyn, great to have to pool to cool off in!
    The penguins are perfect for your sons family, great to see some photos of him, I am sure his time away will go quickly and he will be back home before you know it. Well one to work out the inside flap on the pillowcases.

  12. Merry Christmas Raewyn. I love your penguin hanging. What an experience to work in Antartica.

  13. Looks like a wonderful celebration. Love the penguins and wow what an amazing opportunity for your son. Wishing you a happy 2022 xx

  14. How fabulous for your son to have the opportunity to work in the penguins...

  15. Love your gingerbread house, and great to have a large family gathering. Antarctica sounds interesting.

  16. Raewyn - a fascinating post from start to finish! That's an adorable little gingerbread house, and I could feel the love emanating from all the family shots! What a contrast between the hot summer and the Antartica pictures! And what a fabulous experience for your son! Happy New Year to all of you!

  17. wow that would be a different long does he have to go for???

  18. Oh, those penguins turned out so cute - A D O R A B L E!!
    It is fun to see the other side of the world outdoors swimming in the heat while we hunker down on the cold.


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