
Thursday, July 22, 2021

Rain and Stars

(Month 1)
I've realised that I haven't shared (not even ONCE) about the star blocks I've been making this year.
At work, The Country Yard, we have had The Scrappy Star Quilt Adventure happening since February.

(Month 2)
Each month we receive some light coloured background fabric, four smaller pieces of coloured fabric and a set of instructions for a star block. The instructions give different block sizes and ideas for variations.

(Month 3)
I like the sort of sewalong/quiltalong where there is a sense of freedom; using guidelines and inspiration to create our own versions of a quilt. I'm not so keen on having my finished quilt identical to several others. So this style of BOM suits me well.
(Month 4)
I've decided to make all my blocks different sizes. I'll join them into sets/larger units and hopefully, one day, will have enough of those units to join to make a lovely big quilt!
(Month 5)
The photos below are the blocks in their size groups. Laying them out like this - all mixed up - gives me confidence that all those scrappy stars are going to mix in well with each other in the final quilt!
Three inch blocks - I need 6 of these for each 'unit' so I'd better get sewing more of these —
Six inch blocks —
Nine inch blocks —
12 inch blocks —

We had lunch out with the MOML's parents the other day. It was a beautiful day; I was a bit unsure when we were seated outside but it was warm and a lovely outlook!
And then we had this gorgeous sky yesterday morning —
But you know the adage "Red Sky at Night, Shepherds' Delight; Red Sky in the Morning, Shepherds' Warning", and with a forecast that predicted a LOT of rain we spent the morning making sure all the animals were high and dry. Making mud is not ideal for growing grass, nor is mud a good place for calves to be born!
We brought this one in after she went AWOL not long after being born. She had wandered until she found a cosy hedge or long grass to sleep in. We couldn't find her - about 9pm that night though she let everyone know where she was, bellowing for mum and a decent feed. She was very belligerent at first but calmed down once I got a few litres of warm colostrum into her. The photo doesn't show you how she was stamping her feet nor give any indication of the noise she was making!

With the rain forecast I thought I'd better freshen up my "baby" chickens' cage too. I haven't talked about them for a while...they started in a big box in a warm room downstairs, then moved to a Fort Knox cage in a big shed by the chookhouse and are now in a Safehouse within the chicken run. I've just worked out they're 3 months old. Next week I'm planning on amalgamating them with the rest of the chooks and hopefully it won't be long and they'll be laying! 
You can see here they are nearly as big as the older chooks —

In the end there wasn't as much rain as was forecast. Some heavy showers. The kids enjoyed getting the umbrella out —
And enjoyed meeting the calves. (Well, Lily did, George was more interested in opening and closing all the gate catches!) —

Time to be off, if I'm lucky I might squeeze in one more star block before 'cowtime' this afternoon!
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. All those lovely star blocks are going to make a great quilt Raewyn. Lovely picture of the little ones in the rain and gorgeous little calf. Glad you didnt get as much rain as seems to falling elsewhere! Meanwhile we are n a heat wave! xx

  2. Your star blocks are fabulous! I agree- a sew along should always give the 'freedom to change' option! This way there are not too many quilts looking the same out in blogland!

  3. Love your star blocks and I seem to always be drawn to them. I love your farm photos it looks like a peaceful life but I'm sure it is a lot of hard work too

  4. Oh Raewyn, what beautiful star blocks with perfect points. I'm a bit jealous as mine never seem so crisp. Going to make a beautiful quilt. Your post is full of joy and great photos. Hard to pick a favorite. Probably the gkids out in the rain with the large umbrella. Adorable photo. But I also love that chicken staring right at you. I do wonder why such a young calf would wonder off so far away from mom. Guess there is something true about grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. Good example of how a stupid decision when we are young can change our lives. But I'm sure you will take good care of him, just like his mom did.

  5. It’s amazing how many beautiful Star blocks you’ve make and all in different colours…..
    Lovely day out and a gorgeous morning sky…
    Goes to show when the little is hungry enough he’ll let you know where he is…..
    Always nice to see the little GC on the farm….

  6. Lots happening on the farm. And of course George is interested in how the gate catch works, he's a boy! LOL
    Your star blocks look great, that will be a lovely quilt once you're done.

  7. Love your star blocks. My chicks are 4 months old and while they are in a run next too the big chooks, when one hops out to brave the outside world, I can tell she is much too small to integrate yet. But the one Roo which ended up in that hatch, he's a big bruiser almost 2X the size of the girls. That calf is very cute but sounds like it is going to be a handful.

  8. Lovely range of star blocks..... they look super.... fun on the farm there...

  9. Maybe George will be an engineer one day!! Lovely photo of the little ones with the umbrella and your star blocks are wonderful, they will make a fantastic quilt. Hope the chickens mix in ok and no more calves go awol! Beautiful sunrise photo.

  10. Lovely blocks. I look forward to seeing them come together. You’ll be getting lots of fresh eggs by springtime. Yummo.

  11. Lovely star blocks. Look forward to seeing the finished quilt. Nice to see your farm animals. Hugs, xx

  12. What a fabulous collection of star blocks. They are going to look wonderful in a new quilt. Have a great weekend

  13. You are a star in many ways!

  14. Your blocks are lovely Raewyn. Love seeing the farm animals and those cuties under their umbrella.

  15. In some ways I can't wait until we all have our star quilts finished to see exactly how different they are. It is such an interesting process.

  16. Raewyn - I like the teal colors in the third photo. I chuckled a little when I read about getting the animals warm and dry in case of rain - a modern day Noah? What I wouldn't give for a little rain shower - I would dance in it without an umbrella!

  17. The stars are looking wonderful. Great combination of designs and colours. That will be an interesting quilt.
    Glad the rain didn't end up as heavy as planned, but all the preparation has to be done regardless.

  18. Luv your star blocks, and I understand trying to get things done begore 'cow time'.

  19. Hi, Raewyn! So glad I stopped by and scrolled through your most recent posts, but now I’m exhausted, and all I did was read and look at your awesome pictures! You keep so busy, and you accomplish so much. You are an incredible role model for your growing family. Speaking of growing, I can’t believe how big the kids are now! Wow! Take extra special care! XO

  20. Those stars are gorgeous. That will be such a pretty quilt. So glad the little calf accepted your care. Love seeing the little ones out walking in the rain….such simple pleasures. Gorgeous colors in that sky.


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