
Monday, July 19, 2021

Getting there ------

Last Wednesday I had hoped to make a really good start on my next project, children's vests using these old blankets —
But this happened instead —
Oh golly, our first few cows calved. And it was the day before they were supposed to come home closer to the shed - which meant a 3km walk for these new mummas. The calves hitched a ride in the trailer so that made things a little easier all round.
And then I thought last Thursday might be the day to get the vests done (forever the optimist - how long can it really take?!) but all I got done was cutting out and a bit of a start  —
Of course there was these young 'uns to tend to —
Friday was work day but I thought that Saturday I would get a good bit of sewing done. Production line things started to happen —
And then this happened instead —
Child minding and happy little helpers. 
After sorting out the calves for me, they got busy drawing on my "keeping track of calves" whiteboard, something they did last calving season. Now that the girls are school kids, their scribbles make a lot more sense!
And on Sunday I finally got to this stage. Choosing buttons —
And suddenly two more 'pathfinder vests' have been made! (Size 6)
These are the sixth and seventh of these vests that I have made. They're all quite different (apart from when there are obvious twin pairs made!) and it's still a pattern I enjoy making and the kids enjoy wearing!

Today (Monday) I'm hoping to get this blogpost written but this is happening instead —
Young Odie is here for the day. He is currently asleep (yaay Ganma!) so I'm typing as quickly as possible while I can!

I'm quite happy to put all the children sewing away for now and get back to some serious quilty-type sewing. I have a pile of blankets and fabrics by the door of The Palace to take downstairs and put back into storage.

So while I can, I'll finish here.
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. These vests look great. Love the idea

  2. sounds like you had a lot to do and still got the vests done. I like the idea of using old blankets for this project - my only problem is I only have quilts in the house and no woven old blankets!

  3. Those vests are really cute. Great repurposing of the blankets. Your plans sound much like mine. lol. Calving season will keep you extra busy.

  4. Oh my those are the cutest little vests! And the new calves are adorable too! Seems that sewing plans are always interrupted. Happy you finally snagged a few moments to finish these gems.

  5. Ahh--the best laid plans--but you kept at it and there is now a couple really pretty warm vests for the kiddo's!!! And calves are important--for the kiddo's entertainment!!
    have a great week--
    luv, di

  6. I love visiting your life! Great photos, though when you said you had calves, I did a huh what? But then remembered oh yeah, this is to you like January would be to my farm fam' and yes, January is early if you do late winter calving. My family does spring. I absolutely love the vests, design and repurposed fabrics! I don't know how you get anything done with farm crazy busy stuff AND looking after the grands.

  7. I am playing blog reading catch up. Love your pics of your getaway, happy belated birthday that is an awesome cake, and your clothes you make for the littles are always fabulous. Calving already?

  8. The vests are gorgeous! You have done a great job and I love the design. My granddaughter uses old donated wool blankets to make coats for dogs and has quite a little hone business going.

  9. Its all go go there isn't it? Love the vests and I'm impressed you got them done in between all the other things....

  10. Those wee vests look so cosy.
    You sure do have plenty to keep you busy.

  11. Very busy at yours, loving the farm pics! And your vests from the blankets are very creative, they will be so warm and so useful.

  12. Oh my gosh, busy time of the year is here for you, or maybe I should say busier!! The vests are beautiful, they will be so warm to wear. Life is busy with the grand children coming over, but I bet you have fun with them. The calves are so cute.

  13. How wonderful to have sweet little helpers on the farm during this busy time of the year. Those little vests are darling and look quite warm. Have a great week.

  14. What a busy week! Great finish on the little jackets - so cute. xx

  15. So good you managed some sewing time between the new arrivals and Granma duties…..
    Those vests look so warm and cosy….
    Enjoy your littlest as they grow up sooooooo quickly….

  16. You make me laugh. I’m glad you preserved, so the vests can be worn this winter. They are such pretty blankets you are using. Have fun looking after all your calves….. and grandies.

  17. May have happened in fits and starts with all those positive happenings intervening but it was worth it in the end...lovely vests...

  18. These blankets are such pretty colours. Of course we grew up with the woolen blankets but they were always boring ochre coloured ones 🤣

  19. I love the way nothing ever seems to go to plan, but you still get things done.
    They are great vests and the blanketing will make them so warm.
    Looks like you will be keeping busy, too, if the calving is just starting.


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