
Monday, November 2, 2020

My Happy Place

I had a few quiet hours in my happy place aka The Palace over the weekend. Not that this is the first time I've sewn, but it was the longest stretch I'd had for a wee while.
High on the agenda was to make a start on young Odie's quilt. He's nearly 9 months old and while I made him a (very well used) floor/play quilt when he was quite little, he's still waiting for his proper cot quilt. 
Nigel did his best to thwart my efforts —
According to YD, Odie's favourite book is The Lorax by Dr Seuss. I think she loves the rollicky rhymes and the fabulous made up words as much as she appreciates the environmental message. Apparently, young Odie has requested the Lorax for the centre of his quilt.
So yesterday in, my happy place, I created the Lorax.
(Buttons for eyes for the photo, but I have decided I will applique them instead.)
Although he's cute in a funny sort of way he does seem a little 'cross' for a baby's quilt but I think the quilt will end up quite okay!!!
It's a foundation paper pieced pattern from the Fandom In Stitches site. (The same place I found Eeyore for George's quilt.) I enlarged it by 50% and it went together really easily.

Last week I completed my first bit of Christmas sewing. A small child's backpack.
This was a kit which had all the bits needed - I must say, a very easy way to do a project! (I don't buy kits very often.)

I have no great expectations for my Christmas sewing this year. No big lists of things to make, etc. As and when it happens, it will happen. With my sewing time so limited these days, I'll be happy with that. Glad to have made a start with this bag.

Also finished is another block for Michelle's Wings and Pretty Things quilt. Progress is slow but steady :-)
It's time to be off - calves are calling and soon the day will be over. This post has already taken me two days to write!!!!
'til next time,
Happy stitching,


  1. A lovely productive day Raewyn. Bet you were in a very happy mood when you achieved all of that!

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Love the Lorax. What a great idea.
    I love to get kits, I find them fun and fast to put together.
    Oh my goodness, it's November, less than two weeks until we get to meet in person, calves permitting of course. LOL

  3. your Lorax looks so cute!
    great little back pack too.

  4. Good to see some sewing time happening. The Lorax looks great. A fun start to the quilt. And the backpack looks wonderful, too. Keep having a lovely time.

  5. well, you've made good use of your time at the machine. I can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  6. I love the Lorax - so cute - a little strange looking yes but kids adore that kind of stuff.

  7. Love the Lorax, clever you to find a pattern. Cant wait to see the finished quilt. I still have a set of Dr Suess books I used to read to my grand daughters when they came to say. Now they are ready and waiting for the next generation, but no sign of that yet.

  8. What a fun Lorax! Also lo e your pretty flower.

  9. Good to see you foiund some time to play in a happy place... the Lorax is great and of course wonderful to see a Wings block there... beautiful colours... a pat for the calves from me...

  10. Love the Lorax, he will make a great centre of the quilt! Good you managed to get some sewing time. The backpack looks wonderful, good using a kit too as everything you need is there. Your wings block looks great. Ah Nigel wanted to join in!!

  11. Lorax is darling! So is the backpack. I’m not a big kit person either, but that looks like a good one.

  12. The Lorax is looking very cool... I always hesitate with using buttons for kids quilts (that whole under 3 years thing) because there are always babies around even when the recipient is supposedly old enough to not eat the buttons off! Better safe than sorry.

  13. You did a fantastic job making the Lorax centre block.....
    The back pack will make a great gift and always good to get a kit with everything supplied....
    Cute block....

  14. Your Lorax is cute! I’m not a kit person either but it would be nice for a project like that. Cute backpack!

  15. Cute backpack, and lucky you the kit went together so well. The Lorax is awesome. Wow you get a lot more done in your day in the palace than I do.

  16. Awesome projects, looking forward to seeing the lorax quilt finished.
    In stitches Annette

  17. I would hesitate using buttons, I remember finding buttons in my first baby's diapers . . . that had traveled from mouth to butt. They made babies clothes with buttons back then and I never gave it a thought until they appeared in his poop. It's nice that there are safety regulations now on infant products.
    You had a very productive day and sounds like you had a lot of fun at the same time.
    Happy Stitching!
    Connie :)

  18. That is a great representation of The Lorax (who speaks for the trees). :)
    I try not to plan to sew for Christmas gifts, after getting overwhelmed one year making quilts for too many family members. But I might attempt to squeeze out a quilt this year. We'll see.
    Very cute backpack. I am always amazed at the variety of projects you seem to whip out--that's what it seems like from here. LOL
    A really pretty block. I like the name of the quilt. Very fitting.

  19. So good to spend time in our sewing spaces..... The back pack is great......

  20. Such a productive day! That Lorax is amazing!!


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