
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A catching up post!

It happens so quickly - all of a sudden I'm well behind in my blogging news and reading!
Here's an attempt at a catch up 
We had some friends visiting last week. They are the sort of friends that you just pick up from last time you saw each other. And we spent the whole time talking!
Us girls went to town and did the rounds of the Op Shops - she has a costume hire business and is always looking out for garments to use/recycle/etc. While she looked at the clothes I checked out things like buttons!
A nice lunch while we were out —
Robyn and I crafted. Every time she comes she brings a 'few' boxes of supplies. This time it was card making (as it was for their last visit two years ago) —
My card making skills are rather limited and slow but I did enjoy the change of craft for (just) a few days!
Robyn made a banner for our wee boy's wall —
I made some bon-bons —
You use a gadget that tells you where and when to cut, then score lines to fold along to form the cracker shape, and then decorate with more cut-outs. I'll put some yummies in these for the kiddies.
And then I made some cards —
Robyn sure does have a good supply of dies, stamps, papers and cards to choose from.
Apparently, next time they visit, we'll be making 3-D cards or boxes......
They also brought their (four) dogs with them. Incredibly well behaved.

They needed a swim to wash off the green - they found some nice fresh cowpats to roll in when we were walking. And may have found a few more on the walk back to the house again!
Oscar enjoyed watching them do their dog-agility tricks. From the safety of the fort!
Over the weekend I got the chance to join in with Chooky's zoom meeting - sew session for an hour. 
I hadn't intended to sew, just to chat and say hello to those who were there. But my fingers got itchy and I found myself sorting through some leader-ender Omigosh blocks that were nearby. It's been a long time since I've sewn any of these so it was quite good to have some time to play with them. I pinned those I could, and created a good little pile to sew —
A spare hour or so later on in the weekend and I had sewn the pieces joined, pressed and trimmed. And out of the scraps, created two more blocks, and some nice tidy units for more.
The way I'm making this quilt is very messy. I'm using true scraps (don't forget I can use down to 1" in size) so I always seem to have bits lying around. However it is very satisfying to create something tangible out of them all!

I had more photos to share but think I'll stop here. You'll all be yawning by now 😪
'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. love seeing all that you shared - I haven't done card making and those look wonderful that you show - very professional looking.
    Love those blocks you share at the end is that a Sue Garman quilt?
    Great that you were able to visit with close friends

  2. Wonderful to have your friends visiting, travelling with four dogs would keep you busy! Your cards you made look wonderful and the bonbons look amazing too. Odies wall hanging is very cute! The blocks you made with scraps are wonderful, I still get shivers when you say a 1 inch block!!!

  3. What a wonderful time you had with your friends and great craft time as well. Love your cards and Bon Bons. Fab blocks too from your scrappies xx

  4. Lovely to do things with friends..I am looking forward to that. A distanced doorstep chat doesn't cut it!!

  5. How nice to have friends visit and to play with something different. The kids will love their bon bons. Sorry I missed you in the Zoom get together, as I only joined in during the start.

  6. It's always so nice to have good friends come and stay, dogs and all!

  7. Friends always bring fun! So nice to enjoy a change from the every day!

  8. looks like a great visit and some beautiful cards and bon bons made..... your scrappy blocks must be mounting up...

  9. It was so good to "meet" you in zoom life :) You have been very busy! I love your omigosh blocks! I may need to try some..... :) xx

  10. It looks like you had a great time with your friends and the dogs! Love your blocks. You seem to make them so fast! I've been working scrappy Pineapple blocks. I only have 9 left but it's taken me forever!

  11. Wow! I am super impressed with your paper crafting skills... a woman of many talents. I'm sure it helps to have friends with all the gadgets and toys to play with.

  12. Great to have friends visiting and have fun doing a different craft.. the kids will love the bon bons.
    Dogs always find something smelly to roll in, lucky you have a nice stream for them to wash in.
    It’s nice to catch up on Zoom even for awhile...
    OMGosh squares are so tiny.

  13. You have been super busy. What a lovely time to have with your friends. Great to be able to watch the dogs in action. And fun to make the cards and bon bons, too.
    Glad you had a great time.

  14. Looks like you had a wonderful visit with your friend! The bonbons look amazing, and her dogs are just beautiful x

  15. Raewyn - those are the best friends - the ones where you can pick up where you left off! Love your crafts - so beautiful! I am also behind on my commenting this week since we have been on the road. I had to prepare a blog post ahead of time since I knew I would have no time to do it this week! Enjoy your week ahead!


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