
Monday, December 31, 2012


I've been talking a lot about Free Motion Quilting this week, and I promise this is the last post about it for a while!
As well as the monthly tutorials in the SewCalGal FMQ challenge there were 4 bonus tutorials (Wow, that was 16 tutorials altogether, pretty cool huh?!)
I would have dearly loved to try more of them but so far I have only done the Machine Trapunto one by Diane Loomis.
She described using washaway thread to secure an extra layer of batting where we want the puff to be, and supplied us with a design to use.
This is another piece that I really enjoyed doing (is there a theme happening here...? it seems I am enjoying all my fmq-ing experiences at the moment!!).

I decided pebbles would be nice around the flower and I am pleased with how
they highlight it.
Woohoo side view...look it has puff!
I used a piece of fabric I found in my non-quilting-sewing cupboard, a piece I inherited from somewhere along the line. I didn't have any suitable satin (etc) like I have seen others using, but I thought this might offer a different texture or look. It worked ok, but I went through 2 needles on this small piece. I tried ignoring the thunk thunk noise by telling myself that the needle was new only a short time ago but sure enough soon my stitches started skipping. The fabric also had quite a stretch in one direction so I have ended up with the odd little glitchy bubbly bit. I'm sure no one will notice too much! (But it was all good learning about using different fabrics!)
I nearly discarded this photo but decided to keep it as the blue marking really
helps to highlight the detail.
A quick dip in the basin - the washaway thread simply washed away!!
 Diane recommended blocking the piece after washing out the basting thread and markings and I just happened to read Cindy Needham's blog the same day giving clear instructions on how she blocks, so I was inspired to give that a try too.
I didn't quite follow instructions as I didn't do a 'rough' trim  before pinning
it to the board. That would have helped me make it truly square. With this
sized piece I got away with using my eye.
Thank you to Diane for this detailed tutorial and once again to SewCalGal for the huge job she did in running the challenge this year. It's been fantastic!!! Please go here for a quick recap of my year of fmq-ing.
(Many of the tutorials and tutor links are still up (via here) too so take the opportunity to have a little play yourself. At the end of each tutorial is a linky list to visit different blogs to see how everyone has interpreted the tutorial.)

As this year draws to a close, I would like to wish you all a wonderful New Year. Thank you for your visits, your feedback, your encouragement, your inspiration and most of all, your friendship.
I hope 2013 is a year where you fulfil your resolutions, your creativity knows no limits and you and your loved ones are safe, healthy and happy.
See you all next year!


  1. It looks stunning super to me. Wow, I admire quilters that make the trapunto, looks ever so difficult to do. Have a HAPPY 2013-year to come, Raewyn :))

  2. Wow!! That is one gorgeous piece of work. What are you going to make it into? You have to make something with it... it's way too perfect just to be a sample. It's fabulous Raewyn... you must be happy as a dog with too tails with it!! Phew... I reckon I love it!

  3. I agree with Grethe--I have admired trapunto, but avoided it myself. Good for you doing this bonus tutorial. Your piece turned out beautifully!
    We've learned so much this year. It's been a great challenge!

  4. The trapunto looks absolutely beautiful. You are amazing, Raewyn!
    Sending love and best wishes for 2013!


  5. Wow Raewyn what an amazing piece. You are so adventurous and your FAQ is looking wonderful . Happy New Year, have a great one

  6. Your piece is absolutely beautiful!! I, too, have avoided trapunto and actually didn't do all the tutorials. We have been away from home while camping during this year and don't have my Janome with me in the camper. So, I didn't have enough time to complete them all. I plan to keep practicing my FMQ, though. And, like you, I have learned so much from the challenge! You have done a wonderful job on yours.

  7. Oh my your work is stunning.
    See you next year
    Love Leanne

  8. Absolutely beautiful Raewyn , your FM is wonderful!! Happy New Year and all the best for 2013 :-)

  9. Your work is amazing! I am so impressed...well done! Happy New Year to you too!

  10. Raewyn, you did an awesome job on that quilt! It is stunning. I like the little pebbles around the flower.
    Happy New Year to you.

  11. Wow, it looks stunning, AND puffy, lol. well done. Happy New Year to you, wishing you lots of lovely fmqing in 2013 :)

  12. Your trapunto is gorgeous...the fabric gives it a nice texture.
    Happy New Year :o)

  13. Raewyn, it's beautiful!! I'm going to check out those tutorials!! It will be fun!!


  14. Wow! Great job - very professional looking. I've been known to ignore a thunking needle, too. ; c )
    All the best to you in 2013!

  15. Heel veel GELUK in 2013 from the Netherlands!!

  16. I can only echo what everyone else has said. That piece of quilting is stunning. I hope you will go on to do more. Wishing you and your family good health and happiness for 2013 and here is to continued friendship and stitching.x

  17. It's gorgeous Raewyn, you are very clever! Wishing you a fabulous 2013, I have really enjoyed visiting your blog throughout the year.

  18. Happy New Year, Raewyn!
    Your trapunto piece is fantastic!



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