
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Filling in.... (fmq)

A tutorial I was behind in for the SewCalGal fmq challenge was the June tutorial by Cindy Needham. Happily I have remedied that (and here is the post to prove it!).
She covered so many areas; as well as the technique she had us practise, she encouraged us to find the comfortable fmq-ing rhythm of our machine, discussed starting and ending techniques and an in-depth guide to designs. In fact I enjoyed Cindy's tutorial so much that I jumped when I saw she was doing a class on Craftsy.
However I feel that I have not done Cindy's excellent tutorial justice. I learnt a lot but my piece looks like a dog's breakfast!!!
She had us take a block and 'divide and conquer' it!! We divided the block up with some swirly lines and then filled in the areas with different fillers.
Boy have I done this - but I went a bit OTT and micro-quilting really seemed to block is full of LOTS of tiny little areas of this and that.
However I enjoyed playing with the different threads and fillers as encouraged by Cindy, and this block is a good reference point for ideas in the future!!
The quilting all looks fairly messy, I assure you it's not quite so bad in real life!!
(The photos are all of the same block, just taken in different lights).
I borrowed an idea from the Teri Lucas(October) tutorial and quilted
'fmq challenge 2012' in the block.
Playing with ideas (and different threads).
I quite like this 'leaf'. Learning to fill spaces was invaluable.
Oh I love feathers; anywhere, anyhow!!
This photo shows the variety of threads and stitches used
and the textures achieved.
This was a really great practice piece. It has good bits and bad bits but is full of information for my future quilting. And I liked how we divided areas up to make them more achievable. Thank you to Cindy for all her information (a lot more than I have shown here) and also again to SewCalGal for hosting the challenge.

{I have now updated my FMQ Challenge 2012 page to include snippets from each tutorial throughout this challenge). 

Happy sewing everyone!!


  1. I remember getting really small with my designs on this challenge, too. Looks like you did a great job, Raewyn! NOT a dog's breakfast!! : )

  2. You are certainly not a gal to shy away from a challenge! Your FMQ'ing is looking fabulous. Can't wait to see more....
    Wishing you a very creative 2013!

  3. Awesome!! do you know if any blogger is hosting another challenge for 2013 like this one? I'm feeling ready to "post" about my fmq - and ready to get better!!

    Happy, Happy, Happy New Year!!

  4. I am in awe!

    Happy, Happy and Healthy New Year!



  5. That looks increadably good, Raewyn! My compliments!

    Have a good end of the year and a happy and sound 2013!
    Love, Cisca

  6. great job! this one was fun to do.

  7. Excellent, Raewyn. And I'm wondering the same thing as other commenters. Do you know of anyone doing a similar challenge as this in the New Year?

  8. Great going Raewyn - good to know you have made it to the finish. Its a difficult time of the year for special projects.. Happy New Year to you, from a hot (very hot)and sultry Perth.


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