
Saturday, October 6, 2012

A small finish and a nice day

I'm not sure where this week has gone and when I thought back on it this afternoon I couldn't think what I had been up to (apart from farm and stock work that is!)... a peek on my camera put me right...
... I remember now, I finished this book cover for a friend.
I used some of those stars from this post....
And was really happy with how it turned out.
Love the fabrics!! Hope my friend does too!
I can now report that the book arrived safely at it's new home!

I also finished week 2's blocks for Joanne's Threadhead Quiltalong
Churn dash blocks to go with the Star blocks. I'm just doing 2 of each instead
of the 3 she is doing... and having a play with different colour placements
and effects.
On Friday I travelled down to my parent's place (approx 5 1/2 hours from home). I have left the trusty MOML to look after my calves....
Mum turned 75 today. Pretty flowers arrived by courier. Hard case seeing Sunflowers
in Spring! 
This morning I went with Mum to her Embroidery Guild's exhibition. It turned 30 and I have never seen so many ladies wearing pearls at once!!
Without proper  permission to take photos, I didn't. You'll have to believe
me when I say there was lots of beautiful work there!
Walking back to the car I was fascinated with this street art on a wall.
The outline of the design was marked and the general public
could come along and fill the areas with handprints. Then
the black edges of the pictures were done. Very clever.
 While Mum and her ladies in pearl necklaces had a special luncheon, Dad and I went for a walk around his orchard. I'm a bit late for the spectacular blossom show this year, but there are some trees that still look nice.
Nashi Pear under the shade cloth.
Crabapple bossom.
Dad, Crabapple blossom and the sheep.
Rounded off a nice day with a Roast Pork dinner and Lemon Birthday Cake.
Found the photogenic Nigel on my camera!
Tomorrow I head back home. Hope all of your weekends are going nicely too,
Happy creating,


  1. What a lovely book cover you made for your friend, Raewyn. The fabrics are so nice. I suppose she'll adore it.
    Congrats with your Mum! You had a good time with her, pity you may not take photos at the exhibition.
    What beautiful blossoms,too!
    Happy quilting, Cisca

    PS: Thank you for your reaction, I love applique

  2. You've been productive and you didn't even know it. I really like that grey churn dash block, and the crab apple blossom is beautiful. Happy Birthday to your Mum!

  3. Love your Book Cover it's Lovely....I'm sure your a friend will just Love it.
    What a Lovely way to spend the day.

  4. Love the book cover Well done and your photos are all lovely

  5. Wow! So many beautiful photos in one post... I don't know where to start. Your book cover is beautiful and the fabrics perfect. Your lucky friend will like it for sure. I laughed when you mentioned the pearls... did they all wear twinsets and have the same hairdo too ;o) Gorgeous pics of the blossom in your Dads orchard. Looks like there is no holding him back in there. Glad you are having a nice time. Happy belated birthday to your mum... that cake looks so good I can almost taste it... lemon... my favourite!

  6. The crabapple blossoms are making me homesick for spring and summer!

    Very nice book cover.

  7. Dad's orchard is gorgeous!!!! I'm so enjoying autumn, but spring blooms are so lovely!! I can smell the sweet aroma now!!

    Your book cover is lovely!! Is it a certain pattern, or did you create it to fit a certain book!! I love it!!

    Happy Birthday to Mum!!


  8. Lucky friend to get that lovely book cover.
    Your comment about the ladies in their pearls made me laugh. : )
    Lovely blossoms.

  9. What an interesting post! I had to smile with your reference to the ladies in pearls, how sweet is that? I would love to have seen the embroidery. That's also a great idea for the street art and actually reminded me of a mural downtown in my city I've been intending to take a picture of. I'm heading down that way today so I will grab my camera. And finally, I love the crabapple blossom photo with all the pretty shades of pink. Happy Birthday to your mum, she's the same age as mine. ;)

  10. I thought you said you hadn't done much sewing? Looks like plenty!The book cover is great.
    Clever idea to fill in the areas that need painting with hand prints, great community project.
    Gee, we missed catching up for a coffee in the main street! So close!

  11. Lovely book cover and such pretty fabrics . Happy Birthday to you Mum , sounds like she had a great day with friends and family .

  12. Your book cover is gorgeous Raewyn, I'm sure your friend will love it, the fabrics are perfect! Your parents property looks wonderful too, love the crabapple picture. Sounds like a lovely day, what area is the mural in?

  13. Happy Birthday to your mum sounds like you had a lovely time. I can vouch that your gift to your friend will be beautifully made and with such care and attention so I know that she will love it. Is the mural giving you quilty thoughts?

  14. Looks like a lovely birthday party!
    Nice book-cover. How lovely the trees and colours of the warm climate are:-)

  15. Thanks for allowing us to see what you made with those stars Raewyn. The book cover is wonderful and your friend will be very happy with such a great gift. Sounds like you had a great weekend with your Mum and Dad

  16. Hi Raewyn, lovely work and you are always busy!!
    Gosh Dad does have a big orchard, love the pic of Dad the scooter and the sheep. And the wall art is interesting, what a good idea and no graffiti!

  17. Happy Birthday to your mom!! Love the comment about the pearls, made me smile. Love the book cover, front and back just wonderful.

  18. love the book much to report on in this post.........

  19. Love that book cover.
    Love the photos and I love the photo with all that green grass. so pretty.


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