
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Free Motion Quilting Challenge

Another month where I have met the deadline!!
This month's tutor for the SewCalGal FMQ challenge was Paula Ryan who shared with us her feathered wreath stencil design.
I can't get a photo that shows up the stitching very well.
(If you click on the photos to enlarge them you can see the detail better!)
After all the freehand fmq-ing I did on Dad's quilt, I found staying on the lines and having to be controlled for this quite difficult!
I traced the stencil onto fine tulle and used that to transfer the design to the fabric, as described to us in Don Linn's April tutorial; interestingly the new tulle I used this time was a lot finer and the transferred pattern was a lot clearer than my previous attempts.
I also had needle issues while sewing this piece - I had put a new quilting needle in but it kept lifting the fabric up and down - it wasn't till later when I realised this pack of Schmetz quilting needles had a variety of sizes and the 90 was far too big for this weight fabric and batting. You live and learn.
While I was in fmq-ing mode and mood, I completed July's sample block. July's tutorial was by Angela Walters and was a tile design.
Angela didn't appear to pre-draw her straight lines/tiles but I did go around with a marker and do that first - but still had trouble keeping to a straight line! It was a good piece to practise control and a slightly different filler pattern with.
The fabric I chose for my fmq sampler quilt doesn't photograph very well - the quilting patterns show up a lot better in real life.
So a big thank you to SewCalGal, Paula and Angela for the tutorials and inspiration. I am really enjoying the opportunity to play with different designs and techniques.
Happy creating, everyone, and thanks for stopping by,


  1. great quilting. I used that same technique to get the pattern on my fabric.
    I will draw lines on my tiles next time when I do that design.

  2. Woohoo! You are going great guns!!
    Keep up the 3 'P's'

  3. Wow, your quilting is amazing Raewyn! And that's a great way to use tulle to transfer the design. I always wondered how people transfer the designs on. :) Hope you're having a great weekend!

  4. Hey, this looks really good, Raewyn! Nice job.

  5. Good for you getting two months done! They look lovely.

  6. Hello Raewyn,
    I think it looks great, I´m so looking forward to see the FMQ Sampler at the end of the year.
    Liebe Grüße

  7. Looks like something you'll need to bring for show and tell next time I come to visit!

  8. Your samples are lovely Raewyn - its always great to get them completed isnt it :)

  9. Good for you Raewyn. You have inspired Di and myself, we are thinking we should get together reqularly next year and use the on line qulting tutorials to improve our techniques. Or should I say in my case to get over my fear of feeling out of control whenever I try free motion quilting!!

  10. Beautiful FMQ. Looks really nice.


  11. I enlarge the photos and your quilting looks beautiful, I especially like the tile design.

  12. The wreath looks wonderful!! And look at you 3 lessons in one post, nice!!

  13. All I can say is wow wow wow, I need to follow your example and practice practice practice!!
    Great going Raewyn.

  14. You are doing an amazing job with FMQ. One of these days I might have time to try it too! For now I will just admire yours and others who are taking on this challenge!

  15. Your fmq'ing looks FAB! I enlarged the photo so I could get a better look too ;o) Good for you... sticking with the challenge and doing so well with it. Can't wait to see what your next exercise will be.


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