
Thursday, September 13, 2012

YD has a finish!

Celebrate!! YD has finished her first quilt!
Before Christmas last year, our Youngest Daughter decided she really needed an advent calendar for HER house... she's a chocolate fan, my girl, and she knew an advent calendar would be a perfect excuse to have a little more sweet stuff in the house!
She raided my Christmas stash and came up with this design. YD hasn't done a lot of sewing - a bit of dressmaking at school and the odd outfit for her pets but that's about it, so I was as proud as punch of her efforts here. (Although she has hand sewn at least 6 teddy bears).
Cross hatched the 3 layers together, and added the pockets afterwards.
She got it to a usable stage by Christmas (ie it could be hung and filled with chocolate Santas) and it has sat until now waiting for finishing...yes, it became her first UFO - or was it just a wip?
Love what how she did the borders and corner stones. Plus the binding fabric
is perfect. See, she even fussy cut that cream border so the writing was the correct way!
We finally tracked down some numbered buttons for it (Nikki Tervo Designs) and she spent this weekend tidying it up and sewing them on. Her mum (yes muggins here) then unpicked the tacked on binding and sewed it down properly for her. All finished!
Isn't it lovely? Well done Laura!!

The reason she was at our place visiting was to be nursemaid for her little dog ... he had to have back surgery last week for a prolapsed disc. Very ouch-y and if we hadn't operated when we did he would have ended up paralysed. SO it was a worrying time.
Oscar-riley on bed rest.
Now the worry is to keep him calm, not jumping around and keeping him off the stairs.... he is feeling so good about himself again he wants to do everything he used to do, but hasn't healed enough yet.

I got some stitching done while sitting with him too  - it was actually nice to have an excuse to sit and stitch during the day - usually I only do it at night. This is what I've been working on lately - I don't think I have shown it before. Each year my local and favourite Quilt Shop (and home away from home!) runs a mystery stitchery BOM programme. This year's one was very popular and all the places sold out so I have to do my own version in my own fabrics.
These are narrow strips, I kept them in one piece to make stitching easier.
As you can see it is a seasonal theme - only a few more months to go.
I haven't yet decided what other fabrics I will put with it, probably some reds (me being me) and I will pick out more colours from that gorgeous Cottage Gardens variegated thread I am using.

SO I've managed to fit some creative time in lately :-), hope you can all too,
Have a lovely day,


  1. Your daughter is headed in the right direction to be a quilter. : )
    Poor little doggy. Hope the recovery goes well.
    Very cute stitched pieces. I'm interested to see how this comes together.

  2. Well, I never would have guessed that the cute little bundle of fur was a dog! Do you have a photo of it standing up so I can get a good look at it - it looks mightily similar to my guinea pig!

  3. Your daughter's first project is awesome. She should be proud and so should you. I'm sorry about the puppy, I hope he heals quickly.

  4. What a lovely quilt! She's her mother's daughter :-)

  5. Oh your stitchery is looking great!

  6. Lovely Christmas calender! Hurrah for the chocolate daughter :))

  7. YD has picked great colours to finish off her Advent calender.. Love the buttons...Great job YD...

    Your BOM stitchery is looking great. Looking forward to seeing it finished.

  8. Poor Oscar, hope his back heals quickly..

  9. It's in the genes Raewyn so it comes as no surprise that your young miss has made a great job of her first quilt. Well done to her and to you for all your lovely stitching. Hope the little doggie is on the mend.

  10. YD has done herself proud with her first quilt. First of many I hope.
    Poor little pooch. I don't envy you trying to keep him still till he heals... hope he's mended soon. Love your new stitchery project. Can't wait to see how it progress.

  11. How neat that your daughter is learning to quilt too, and it looks great!
    Your stitcheries are looking fabulous, your stitching is lovely.

  12. Congratulations to Laura! She has done a wonderful job. I hope the little guy is feeling much better too.
    Your stitcheries are lovely, there is a lot of work in all those little pieces.... good to see you finding some crafting time.
    Have a lovely Friday!

  13. Poor little puppy. Glad he is going to be fine. :-)

  14. Your daughter's quilt is lovely, I love how she has not stayed inside the borders with her pockets, definitely an original!
    Glad you got to do some stitching while nurse-maiding, that sure would have relaxed Oscar-riley some.

  15. well done to your dd love the advent calender - and can be used this Christmas - goo thing!

    Aww your little fella such a big op but he was a very lucky puppy and I bet he enjoyed having your dd home to look after him. Give him a gentle pat from me.

  16. Laura has done so well, must take after her mum! Poor puppy, I hope he is healing well by now. And your new stitcheries are gorgeous.

  17. She is going to be a very talented craft person just like her mother! Love your stitching you have been very busy with cows/calves and dog minding and of course crafting.


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