
Friday, August 31, 2012

Calling all Jesters....

Jesters with small heads, Jesters with big heads, those with skinny heads or fat heads... I have the hat for you!!!
Those of you doing the SewCalGal 2012 FMQ Challenge will know what I am talking about...
This month's tutorial/challenge was by Wendy Sheppard of Ivory Spring. She discussed and guided us through the Jesters Hat quilting design she has come up with and used recently.
Jesters Hats; August Challenge.
I must admit I approached it with a bit of trepidation after reading on other blogs of some of the difficulties people were having with it. I was sure I wouldn't cope with changing direction all the time (for each side of the hat) but in the end it was linking from one hat to another that gave me the most trouble.
I did practise on paper a lot, and finally decided I needed to do a sweeping curve from the end of one hat to the start of the next, and that got me into a nice quilting rhythm.
Hats for any sized Jester head!!

I was interested to read the post by Wendy on her blog today (after I had done my piece) regarding
a) getting stuck in a spot with nowhere to go.... I backtracked when that happened but didn't think of actually finishing off and re-starting in a new spot (duh!!)
and b) the size of motifs... I do notice that I am often micro-quilting with my motifs so want to try and get them a bit bigger for a different effect.
Anyway, I've completed August's challenge piece and I enjoyed it a lot; maybe it 's the fun name but I found this fun to sew - once I got a handle on it! A big thank you to SewCalGal for organising and hosting this challenge, and also to Wendy for this month's tutorial.

And there's been more quilting going on in my cave too, I finally got organised and finished my mini Friendship Sampler hosted by Joanne of Thread Head in May. I just had quilting to do on it so I am happy that it is now done.

Had fun with feathers in the borders - very free-flow!!
I followed Joanne's idea of using 4" squares folded into triangles stitched to the
corners on the back, to form hangers for dowelling.
Joanne is running another quilt along which looks like it will be fun, too. She has given several different versions of the intended quilt on her blog (I love the zig-zag setting) so pop over there and check it out. She is a lovely lady who likes to help and is always very generous with her instructions. It starts Sept 18th.

And in case you are wondering what has happened to Dad's fruity quilt - here (below) is Nigel looking after it. Now that I have the two above items above out of the way, my head is clear for starting the quilting. Once I realised I wouldn't have it done in time to post for Fathers Day, I relaxed a little.
Nigel's content with looking after my quilts for me!
So it's nearly the weekend every-one - hope you have a nice one,
Happy creating, 


  1. love your Jester's hat quiting and the Feather's.
    will pop over and have a read of the blogs but must go out in the sunshine now and spray some weeds.
    Nigel does look very happy on the quilt.

    Oh Raewyn your gorgeous window fabrics have arrived. thank you so much...

  2. You Jester's hat quilting looks so lovely. And the feather's are great too. Looks very difficult to me.

  3. Your quilting is going great guns! feathers, jesters hats....good for you, getting stuck in. I must say I haven't tried the jesters hat, I haven't really had the right quilt yet. Isn't Wendy great, she has great tutorials.
    Looks like your Dad's quilt will be well christened with cat hair by the time your Dad gets it.
    Cool triangle dowel holders.
    Ok that's enough from this Jester!

  4. I like how you went from hat to hat on the FMQ challenge. My practice piece wasn't very successful--maybe I can try it again using your technique.

  5. You diing very well with your machine quilting. Your friendshipquilt is ovely.

  6. Love the Threadhead piece you did! Can't wait for the next one. Glad you're joining along!

  7. I'm impressed your Jesters hats are wonderful... you are really progressing well with your quilting...:O) I have a lot of practising to do...

  8. Your Jester's Hat motif looks good. I am so glad you liked it!

  9. The Jester's hat turned out really nice. I think I should give that a try. Feather's are looking good too. Feathers are always so pretty on a quilt. Nigel - what a name for a cat! (I like it) He certainly looks comfy.

  10. Your quilting is looking lovely Raewyn. Nigel looks like he doesn't want to move anytime
    Have a lovely weekend..... will you have any of the kids around for Fathers Day?

  11. Nigel looks perfectly content! It's been so long since I've popped in to visit Raewyn. Love your FMQ, looks great. And your friendship sampler is so cute! Hoping to have some more time to blog surf now that summer is almost over.. Hope all is well!

  12. Your quilting looks amazing!! Great job! Your little quilt is adorable. Nigel looks so peaceful on your Dad's quilt - looks like he doesn't mind that it's not quilted yet.

  13. Your jester hat quilting is wonderful. Love the photo of your kitty.

  14. yeah, that Jester hat quilting was tricky for me. Good job on yours. Your feather look really great.
    Love that little quilt.

  15. I saw the jesters on Wendy's blog a while ago and drew them out on paper and I had trouble going from hat to hat too. Haven't stitched them on anything yet though. Yours look pretty good!

    And the idea of using 'corners' for the hanging dowel is a great one. I guess it would only work for smallish, light pieces? I must write it down and try it as I'm stitching on a hanging sleeve for a small wall hanging right now and it's a lot of work!

  16. Your quilting is lovely and I love your mini quilt. Cute picture of Nigel on your Dad's quilt!

  17. Your quilting looks very good, Raewyn. The little quilt is cute and the new one, also. I love the zigzag one, if I should make one, I would choose that one, too. And Nigel does a great job!!!

    Thank you fore your kind words on my blog.
    Have a nice day, Cisca

  18. Hi Raewyn, I tried to email you but am getting a postmaster delivery failure on your email. Have you got another one?


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