
Sunday, August 12, 2012

And so she sewed....

It was the weekend; my sewing room was nearly back to normal and calving was settled down into a routine. (The mad rush is over, we're into a time-consuming routine now) so what was happening at Raewyn's house...?
.....The washing machine was whirring away.....
And Raewyn completed the next two Temecula Quilt Co blocks.
.....The dishwasher was humming away.....
And Raewyn made good progress on her Mini Friendship Sampler run
by Joanne (Threadhead)  in May. I hadn't done the applique which is
done by Invisible Machine Applique. I started the quilting too but
need more quilting threads.
 .....The MOML was vacumming (grin)....
And Raewyn completed her next Hop To It block (an Edyta Sitar pattern).
I am doing these by hand needleturn applique so they are taking me a while!
 ....The crockpot bubbled away....
And Raewyn completed month 5 of the SewCalGal fmq challenge.
The tutorial by Leah Day was for Douple Stipling - this is the version
using straight lines called Railway Tracks.
.....And Raewyn was as happy as a pig in mud - a very satisfying weekend :-).
Hope you all had as fruitful a weekend,


  1. You have done a lot and all beautiful things.

  2. Glad you are a happy stitcher!! Lovely, lovely! How is the new 'playstation'??

  3. Productive you! Lovely when it all falls in place like that. Know what you mean about time consuming routine with calves and I'm only feeding four.

    As for my design wall being polystyrene it works well. It's light enough that command picture hanging strips hold it up, pins stick in it well for holding heavier/larger blocks and because it's flannel covered, small blocks hold well with no pins. And the polystyrene was free! That's the best bit ;)

  4. You sure have been busy and also sewed many lovely things.....

  5. Wow - what an accomplishment Raewyn!!! As for me, well I went into work on my day off to catch up....but I have done a little stitching this evening :)

  6. What a wonderful weekend you are having! Your projects are all so pretty and precise. You do beautiful work and inspire me!

  7. You have been busy and such lovely things.

  8. Beautiful projects!!! Love your applique work! It is beautiful!!
    Pig in the mud - haven't heard that one in a while!!!

    Have a great day!

  9. Your Temecula Quilt Blocks are so cute and as always your applique is the best! I haven't had any time to experiment, sigh...maybe someday.

  10. Don't you just love a man who knows his way around a vacuum cleaner?! Perhaps you can hire him out. I am sure there would be a demand. Lovely stitching there Raewyn.

  11. Great post! You have truly mastered the art of multi-tasking. Beautiful projects!!

  12. Sewing was probably the only thing you could do over the weekend - wasn't the weather atrocious?? Very pretty pictures (and you'll find that the more you quilt, the more threads you seem to need!)

  13. We used to raise pigs, and I know they get pretty happy in mud. : )
    You were a very productive lady! Love your little stars--and your applique is beautiful.
    That railroad tracks is a fun design. I'm planning to use it on a quilt for a grandson for Christmas.

  14. Look at you, you have it all worked out! Beautiful needleturn!

  15. Good on you, you had a very productive day. All of your projects look beautiful and you even managed to keep up with your housework!!

  16. Looks like Raewyn got a lot accomplished. Well done!


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