
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

We have a winner!

Thank you to all who played along in my Giveaway!!!
The MOML was very worried HE was going to be in the photo but I assured
 him it was possible to just snap his fingers :-)
Trusty hubby drew a name out of the tin tonight and I am pleased to announce that the winner is Shirley!!

Congratulations Shirley, if you send me your snail mail address I can pop the block holder in the post for you :-)
I will leave the pattern for this on my Patterns page for those who would like to make one for themselves.
Have a lovely week everyone,

PS And thanks to Cat who reminded me that I had celebrated another bloggy birthday once before, here.


  1. Congratulations Shirley - you lucky duck! I guess this means I'll just have to make one now Raewyn ;).....thank you for sharing your pattern and the opportunity to win!!!

  2. Congratulations shirley. I am sure you will love using the Block Holder.

  3. Congrats to Shirley!!! She will treasure it always!!

  4. Thank you ladies I will certainly put my win to good use and to say that I am thrilled is such an understatement. You are the most generous person Raewyn and here is to many more blogposts. It has been a great pleasure getting to know you.

  5. Yeah Shirley!! How cool is that.
    Was that fun Raewyn?

  6. congrats Shirley - now we'll all have to make our own!

  7. Congratulations Shirley, and thank you Raewyn for this give away and your nice blog we can read.

  8. Lovely Stitching! Thanks, Raewyn for following me. I'm following you on all your links. I've enjoyed looking at all the sites, the UFO's and such. I just love embroidery and quilting and applique'. Bye for now. Kathie in Odessa.


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