
Monday, June 11, 2012

Discombobulation... (and a few houses)...

Discombobulation, at sixes and sevens, out of sorts, clipped feathers -  I've been suffering from it all lately.
A month ago, my sewing cave looked like this, then it looked like this -
Bedroom and sewing cave
In the process, my internet connection looked like this.
Satellite disconnected so builders could add more joists.
So as well as having all my sewing things (and our bedroom) stacked away in the spare room (everything I wanted was at the bottom of the pile in the back corner!), I've also been unable to connect with all my quilty bloggy friends. (And it amazed me how much of our farm business is dealt with online). With a few other things going on, it's made me feel quite Discombobulated! (Can you tell, I just love that word!).
However we now have the internet back, homelife is in a bit better routine, and while I still cant always find everything I need, I feel a bit more settled - yaay!!

My sewing has been spasmodic but I do have a couple of houses to share.
 A few months ago I asked if anyone wanted to swap window features with me - Pat, Carol, Annette, Nanette, Leeanne and Michelle have all helped boost the variety in my houses (thank you, ladies).

What better place than a building site for my scrappy houses.

Here is another house I completed yesterday. It is from the JustTakes2 quilt that I have finally been able to make a start on (more in another post when I have my photos sorted) .

I'm looking forward to catching up on all your blogs - thanks for visiting, and  happy sewing every-one,


  1. It will be worth it when it's finished... until then hang in there!
    Your houses look neat you must have quite a wee town by now :O)

  2. Oh No! Cut off from the world and also from your sewing stuff? Definitely the cause of major discombobulation! Hope all is back to normal soon, and you're all settled into the wonderful new sewing cave.

  3. Good word usage!! I must say I really don't enjoy the process of renovating but the result is always worth it. Love your houses.

  4. Oh, I so know what you are going through!! But when it all goes back together, you'll be in seventh heaven. Nice little houses - love the windows :)

  5. Sounds like something Mary Poppins would say. Well I am glad that the house is supposed to look like that! Was a bit worried to start off with that you had suffered from some sort of misadventure. Middle of winter - hmm, not the greatest time to have great big holes in the house!

  6. Was getting worried about you my friend. Glad all is now well. Would love to know where that word came from. Soon be shipshape and Bristol fashion.

  7. Yes I think Suz is right.....that does sound like something Mary Popins would say! Maybe she could pull some order out of her magic bag for you?
    Your houses look great on your house!

  8. So pleased you are back. Wondered where you had been. When you have your new cave and bedroom it will be all worth it..
    Love the houses and they look great on site.
    Do you want some more window features ?? Please send me your address.

  9. Good luck with it all; lots of new space eventually :-)
    Love your houses, great idea with the motives in the windows!

  10. Oh my how thrilling! A brand new sewing cave droooooool. (never mind the bed room) I'm looking forward to seeing it all finished and set up.
    Love Leanne

  11. I love that word, too. How fun to be getting a new bedroom AND sewing cave--if you can just survive the process.
    I love the little window features. : )
    This was definitely a themed post.

  12. Love your houses. Great windows!! :-)

  13. Wow! What a process you are going through!! Well, what can you say except it will all be over someday and you'll be so happy with it.

  14. What a great space you will have once all the hard work is done.


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