
Friday, January 27, 2012

Stay At Home Round Robin

Here is the latest round of my Stay At Home Round Robin, being hosted by Sunny over at Quilting Dreams. I have got a little behind [so what else is new :-)] but after this week I am less behind than before!
To recap, this is a Round Robin we complete for ourselves at home, with no mailing and to-ing and fro-ing of blocks, fabrics, etc. At regular intervals we are instructed what the next border/block will be. Month one was a centre block (below it's the block with the 3 bigger butterflies on it). Next time we needed to put a border incorporating triangles around it. In the picture there are smaller appliqué butterflies encroaching on that border.
And for my latest round we needed to put it all on point and incorporate some sort of log-cabins into the process.
I am doing this for and with my YD... it will be her quilt so she has a fair bit of a say in colour choice and design, and then gives me the final nod before I sew it together.

 I took these next photos to show how I did the log cabin  pieces. I'm not sure how other quilters would have done this step but it was the best way I could come up with. I draughted a log cabin block the size I needed it, sliced it diagonally and used it as  guide for how long to cut each log.
[I did this on EQ7 which was an interesting exercise as I am still learning how to use it.]
Once sewn and remembering to keep the half-log cabin block square, and to allow for those pesky seam allowances, I trimmed and sewed it on. No sweat - ha!! Risky but I was pleased it worked out!

The next border is to include either pinwheels or hourglass blocks. I think pinwheels will work well with the butterflies. Being 30" square so far the maths should work out more easily this time. The biggest decision will be whether to do 5 x 6" blocks or 6 x 5" blocks!

Happy sewing everyone, and thanks for visiting,


  1. Beautiful! Thanks for the quick run-down on what you've done so far. I made hourglass blocks for mine today!

  2. Oh I just love this quilt top so far--
    and I even love the color and those butterfly's--if YD ever decides she doesn't love it==send it to me!!!
    Hugs, Di and that 'cat'

  3. Wow, I love the colours, and the butterflies, and the pattern and.... :-)

  4. As an exercise, draw in the diagonal line on the EQ7 block, and then print templates. That would give you the exact shapes you need. Print with seamallowances, but use the sewing line to line up your ruler with the 1/4" extending over, and cut with rotary cutter. As you trim off the little corners, it will line up exactly when you attach the triangles to the centre square. Lecture over :0)

  5. so nice block, and thank you for your idea how you made it. yesterday I was thinking about almost the same question :)

  6. Your round robin looks beautiful Raewyn, lovely colours and design!

  7. Your SAHR is looking good. Love your colours. thanks for showing me how to put Log Cabins on point.
    My row was 5X6.

  8. A stay at home round robin sound great! Yours looks lovely.
    I find EQ hard for anything that is not a regular setting.

  9. This is wonderful! Did you notice there is a light center triangle (log cabin) against a dark triangle from 3 inch triangles. Now didn't that turn out nice?


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