
Monday, January 23, 2012

Applecores and houses

I had a bit of a play with the Go!Baby the other day, and before I knew it, I had this table runner put together!
I've been wanting to make an Applecore quilt for a while now. When I saw this runner made by Joanne on her blog the other day, I thought it a good way to have a bit of Applecore fun without embarking on a full size quilt. I was also egged on by our recent purchase of a new TV cabinet which really NEEDS a runner.
Still a flimsy but hopefully not for too long :-)
(While I was at it I Applecored a pile of Thimbleberry fabrics for a lap quilt. Another project prepped and ready to go when I have the chance.)
Speaking of food, ED was up visiting for a few days and made us a double batch of her fabulous Granola. I sense good breakfasts coming up!.

And she's making another teddy bear - he still needs a bit more surgery!
 I've made a few more of my scrappy houses. I am finding these to be relaxing and fun to make.
This week's theme seemed to have been brown. I'm hoping I can find enough feature fabric to have every house different.
The one on the right has been made into a stable!
(Different sized buildings due to my limited Photoshop skills).
This is 6 made now, so I'm on track for 2 a week so far (OK, we're only part way through the first month, but a good start nonetheless!).
Thanks for popping in - have a great week - happy stitching,


  1. Your applecore runner looks great... it will be perfect for autumn!

  2. I haven't been brave enough to try applecores yet. Are they hard to sew together? I love your little stable - how creative. And what an awesome little teddy.

  3. Fabulous applecore runner. Love your fabric choices too.

  4. The apple cores look great and the scenery is amazing!!

  5. Love your tablerunner Raewyn, then again I love anything made from Tangled Threads...Granola looks scrumptious :)

  6. I love the applecores hanging in the apple tree! What terrific scenery.

  7. PLEASE stop showing new yummy projects, oooh the apple core quilt looks FUN! SMILE.

    Your houses are coming along nicely. I hope to get to machine this week????

    Love Leanne

  8. Lovely applecore tablerunner. Nice colours.
    Oh I am coming over for brekky. Looks so yum!!!
    Building houses is just so fun. Love the stable.

  9. What a lovely applecore tablerunner, Raewyn, and the colours are very nice. I love the little grey bear, He is so Cute, even when he isn't finished yet. Your houses look great, what an idea to make a stable with a horse, you will have be a very personal quilt, too!
    And of course I like the scenery, also!
    Love, Cisca

  10. The stable is so cute! Don't you just like those little houses? I know I do.
    Have a nice week.

  11. What a beautifull applecore!! Hanging in your verry nice garden! Have a nice day. lots of love from kruimel

  12. Uour tablerummer is very nice. I like your stablehouse.

  13. Your tablerunner looks great,love the idea of hanging in the apple tree,beautful scenery. I try to do the applecore but failed it someplace in the sewing room,I will be trying again later. Hapve a great day and happy quilting. jinnie

  14. Cute apple core! I've been wanting to make one out of scraps for a long time! The granola looks yummy - makes me want to get my old college recipe out!

  15. Love the colors and textures of your house fabrics! That wood grain is fantastic!


  16. Love the applecore runner - those colours are yummy and the apple core shape is so pleasing. Never attempted one - is it difficult to construct?

  17. Your applecore runner looks yummy--
    is there any calories in it????
    I would love to do the little houses--but just don't see me having time--and I would love to do the farmer's wife--I will just have to give up sleep!!!
    Hugs, Di and miss gracie

  18. Beautiful Applecore, it´s a lovely pattern. I did you sew the this top on the sewingmachine? I looks so prfect! I´m working on a applecorequilt too, but I´m sewing but hand, wich means that it is a very longtime wip :o)


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