
Thursday, October 20, 2011

My Town Quiltshop..and more....

This week I was pleased to finish my second block of the Homespun magazine BOM; The Quilt Shop.
Eager quilters waiting for their class to start

All quilt shops should have a bored husbands chair like this!!

I'm just loving these blocks - they are such fun 'pictures'. [To see more blocks check out the My Town blog - see the link on my sidebar.]
A while ago I showed a block I had done for the charity quilt our Round Robin group is doing. At our get together the other day, we just had to stitch the binding on....
Looking good!
Many hands make light work. Great team effort girls!
Last weekend we converted the horse stable/spare calf pen to a shearing quarters and got the flock in for shearing.
One to go....
Both girls free of their winter coat.(Apologies to any sheep farmers
out there - they are rather large to be called proper sheep!)
And back out to graze with Mr Piggy.
 And speaking of pigs... here is a Thursday Treasure that makes me smile whenever I see it... When I was about 17 I wagged school for an afternnoon and went with the lady I boarded with to 'Craft' at her church group.... we made pottery 'figures'... the salt pig, still in use at Mum and Dad's is the result.
{It was one of the few times I ever missed school like that...but some of us will do anything for  our craft fix won't we?!}
He is actually more handsome than he appears here....
...and perfectly functional too!
Thanks for visiting, I hope your week is going well, and,
Happy Stitching


  1. Oh dear we do look busy sewing the binding down!
    Your blocks really do look lovely.
    Mmmmm salt from the piggy's........?I'll pass on the salt thanks.

  2. Raewyn I am loving your blocks, they are looking great. Love your salt piggy too.

  3. Love your blocks. that is another project I was going to do.
    Sew nice to sit and stitch with friends.
    The girls will be happy to be fleece free.
    Nice pigs too.Real one and salt holder.

  4. I love your quilt shop block, it's gorgeous. And your salt pig is very cute.

  5. Cute Quilt shop block I love the colour of the shop... could you imagine a house painted blue with roses on it... imagination overdrive!

  6. The blocks are adorable and I love the charity quilt , way to go girls . Your little piggy is just too cute.

  7. Great photos!
    The BOM block is wonderful and so it the salt pig.

  8. Your little quilt shop is adorable!!! What do you do with your wool? Do you spin it? Or have someone else spin it?

  9. Wow, I love the quiltshop block, Raewyn! And the charity quilt has become beautiful, too. Strange fot me to see the cheep without their wool, here it will be to winter soon.
    Happy quilting, Cisca

  10. Love that pig
    Your sewing looks pretty good too

  11. Lovely post Raewyn. The Quilt Shop block is just fabulous and how I like that salt pig!

  12. Oh I'm so delighted to see your "town" block! I just love it. As for the salt pig, I've never seen one before, but it sure is cute.

    If you didn't shear your sheep, would the wool start to shed like wild wolves, and just hang there?

  13. Now - they are my kind of sheep - I used to have a small herd of Corrieadales - all coloured...loved them. Still have a lot of their wool, but havnt spun any lately - too caught up in quilting :)

  14. Your stitcheries are adorable! Haha, the bored husband's chair!

  15. Your quilt shop block is fantastic! This quilt is going to be beautiful..........
    Your sheep have certainly wintered well. lol I love both of your pigs, very cute!

  16. OH, that quilt shop block is so sweet.
    What a beautiful charity quilt you all are working on.
    A real salt pig. Cute.
    Your grass is so green in the field. I am sure those sheep enjoy it a lot.

  17. lovely my town block and the round robyn quilt is adorable.
    Cute photo of your sheep and pig out and about.

  18. Oh Raewyn- how amazing! I love love love your block! So cute and that picture of you guys putting on the binding made me smile! I would have loved to help! :)
    I can almost hear the sheep having a conversation: do I look fat? Oh I think he missed a spot! LOL

  19. Ooop's... I'm playing catch up! Fantastic piggy you have there... the real and the salt kind. I've heard of 'salt pigs' but yours is the first one I've seen... is there no end to your talent.
    Wow! You finished that dastardly block one of My Town!! It looks great.. care to coach me through mine ...wink!

  20. What a brilliant post. Your sewing is wonderful and Mt Piggy looks gorgeous.


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