
Friday, October 14, 2011

Lovely mail.

Mr Postman has delivered two lovely packages this week. This morning a surprise parcel arrived from Clare. I helped her with some pattern downloads and this is how she thanked me :-)
Block roll, scissor case and scissor fob.
Don't you love the cute cat on the scissor's fob? 
It was a very thoughtful and much appreciated gift. Thank you Clare. She has also just started up a blog - to see more of her beautiful work - you can visit her here.
My second excitement with Mr Postman this week was when this beautiful book from Quiltmania arrived. I had been eyeing it up for some time but Josie twisted my arm and made me get it :-)
It is full of gorgeous projects - big and small - made from gorgeous fabric and with lots of lovely appliqué on them. I KNOW I will be making things out of this book.

Well that is my excitement for the day, have a good weekend everyone and thank you for visiting,


  1. the postman always makes me smile when he delivers parcels xxx

  2. That's what I'd call a good mail day...Happy mail!

  3. It's always nice to receive unexpected gifts! The little scissor fob is adorable.

  4. Great gifts Raewyn. That kitty looks just like mine.

  5. What wonderful goodies Raewym. Clare is great at these things.

  6. Your gifts look gorgeous, what a nice surprise. The book sounds interesting, it will be fun to see what you make from it.

  7. Very nice indeed. That cat scissor fob is adorable.

  8. This must be the book you were telling me about, likes yummy!
    Beautiful gifts, I love the 'Meow' x-stitch on the back of the fob.
    Only one more sleep before you get another bag of goodies from our Round Robin group.

  9. what wonderful parcels to receive

  10. I plead innocence!! You pressed the 'buy' button girl. How can I be held responsible for that. You know you wanted it.... tell the truth now.
    Love the presents Clare sent you. The kitty is so cute.


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