
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Flowers and more —

It took me ALL day but I finally completed 2 hexie-flowers for One-Flower-Wednesday today...Dad has had me working all round the orchard, chasing and drenching sheep, sorting trees, loading trailers - and more, so I grabbed a minute here and a minute there and managed to get these done.
I hadn't really done any since Dad came out of hospital so I was pleased to be at them again.
 Something else I've been working on lately; this photo below shows the Christmas present my niece organised for me on behalf of her family (a lovely little hamper filled with yummy edible treats). She wrapped it up in fabric, and as she handed it to me she suggested I might like to make her a cushion from it......

So here it is!!
 - the back view -
 So, Merry belated Christmas Sarah!! Hope you like it!!!
A couple of posts ago I showed a few of Mum's embroidery works, and some sheep doorstops I had made. 
ED suggested that I may like to show 'Pounce' who also lives down here at Mum and Dad's.
What's special about Pounce is that ED made it (when she was 16??)(or was she younger??) as a gift for Granny and Pop.
 As you can see, Pounce has lots of character and has had all sorts of adventures in his life. He has moments of great animation.
As you can see, I'm keeping out of mischief. I am thinking of my Queensland bloggy friends and planning my New Beginnings Sewing Kit as requested by the Gum Tree girls. If you haven't seen their plea for help, please go to the link.
Happy stitching everyone,


  1. Hi Raewyn
    Lovely flowers for your garden and a fabulous cushion..They all look great...Kate xxx

  2. You have been very busy and I think you have done a great job making your hexies.

  3. I love the fabric your present was wrapped in - I think I would have had to make 2 cushions so I could keep one myself.

  4. Wonderful hexie flowers! I really like the cushion you made!!

  5. You have been very busy and still managed to make two lovely flowers. LOVE the pillow and Pounce is so cute!

  6. Lovely flowers! And that's a pretty Christmas present!

  7. Glad you found some hexie time for pretty flowers.
    The cushion is gorgeous!

  8. Your flowers are wonderful so happy you finished and posted them today. Lovely cushion. Thanks for sharing.


  9. Your cushion looks good!! Sarah will be happy. Do you want to make me a couple of cushions in some bright colour that matches my quilt?? :) Nice to see young Pounce.

  10. What beautiful flowers! I'm still struggling to get my ONE made on Wednesday. And you are so busy with your farm and family. It's amazing that you manage to get so much done.

  11. What a busy life you have! Nice you could make those lovely flowers. The cushion is really beatiful and Pounce is so cute!
    Greetings, Cisca

  12. Cute flowers...and Pounce is adorable!

  13. Your hexies look lovely. Pretty fabrics you've used. I guess that will become a nice garden.

    Hugs, Sabine

  14. I am having fun with the hexies too. Cute little flowers you got done!

  15. Cute blooms! And I love your niece's idea - giving your good treat and getting some nice return back!! What a smart girl she is!

  16. Oh dear, it is Wednesday already. I do want to start working on my hexagon flowers again after a long break. Seeing yours, I get inspired again.
    What a lovely story about Pounce!
    I had a great time visiting you and will definitely be back!


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