
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A plea and some pics

I received a request from Maria yesterday to help spread the word for the following —

One of my blogging friends from New Zealand is organising Quilts to be made for the  "Kids of Christchurch" 
Pop over and read all about it.                    

The Christchurch earthquake was so close to home for us kiwis so it looks like I'll be hunting through my stash for some brights - there's nothing more comforting than a nice snuggly bed, and one with a quilt on it is even better.

Following are some farm shots, not sewing related at all but I know some of you enjoy seeing our part of the world so I thought I would show them.
Yesterday we weaned the oldest 28 calves. To wean them we reduce the milk for a few days and then take them "out the back".  Here we are (below) starting the trek.
The track is fairly hilly. Bush all around so no need for fences. A runaway can only penetrate about 1 metre into the bush before it gives up and joins the main mob again. 
There's 2 there that look a bit big for calves. We're also taking 2 bulls out to work their magic with another mob.
Zac stopped for a rest in a puddle. 3kms of hills is a long way.
An hour later... here we are...

Little guy hops off the bike to help finish the job!
Plenty of grass (excuse the weeds)...these little beasties will wean well.
As for me, yaay, 28 less mouths to feed!!


  1. Thank you Raewyn for helping spread the word. Cat would appreciate that.
    Yes I love going for a wander with you both on your beautiful property.
    WOW it would be hard work feeding so many babies. How long before your get more to fed after the big fellas have worked there magic? LOL

  2. Great cause Raewyn, if anyone deserves some lovely quilts, it's the kids of Chch. Love your farm phots - you have so much grass!!

  3. Hi there - thanks for helping spread the word on my quest for Quilts for Christchurch's Children.
    The first blocks arrived today :) which is awesome. Along with the amazing news that an NZ online fabric supplier is going to donate fabric to the cause to help me bring all these blocks together! It humbles me that so many woman around the country and the world are coming together to stitch with love.
    By the way I LOVE your hexies!! !! !!


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