
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Finish!!!

Well finally here is  my first completed hexie project!!! I was just so excited last night when I put the cords through and it all came together!!
The basic design with the hexies and checkerboard started off as a Rosalie Quinlan project in a magazine. However I adapted it as I wanted a dilly bag rather than the bag shape she had done.
Look what happens when your yellow lining fabric isn't quite wide enough — 
— you invent a pocket!! A good place for a leftover hexie too!! 

Now if you keep reducing the template, you end up with tiny little flowers!!!
Big one for my retro-hexies
middle sized one for the pretties (bag)
smallest one..see below
Here is today's flower next to yesterday 'normal' sized flower. 1/4 inch sides!! And not as fiddly to make as I thought but I think removing the papers might be a challenge.
Have a great week everyone!!!


  1. well done - finished is always best isn't it!

  2. Wonderful. Great job on the bag! Aren't your eyes crossed after making that mini hexie? Wow.

  3. Wow: that bag looks great! Enjoy the finish!

  4. Way cute bag!! Soft sweet colours.It's a neat feeling when you get something finished.

  5. Gorgeous cute are those little Tiny Ones.

  6. The bag is fabulous. great idea for the pocket too. I see you succumbed to the 1/4" hexies. :)Haven't taken the papers out of mine yet bit worried about that part. Jeanette

  7. Your dilly bag is just gorgeous. Oh they are such tiny hexies.

  8. What a wonderful finish! I love your hexie bag. The 1/4 inch hexie is so small I almost didn't see it! Good for you!

  9. What a gorgeous bag you made, I love the way you used your hexies! And your little hexie is so cte beside the big one!
    Greetings, Cisca

  10. Your bag look so sweet, a little taste of spring.

  11. Raewyn, this is a gorgoeus little dilly bag.
    Love the hexies, love the fabrics!!
    Simply delicious!!

  12. its a beautiful bag...and the little hexies are also beautiful..
    have a nice day

  13. I love your bag, such soft pretty colours and the baby hexagon is amazing

  14. very nice bag and I love your little baby hexagon. Can you imagine I made 91 of these already? do not want to think about removing the papers...

  15. I love your bag. Very Beautiful.

  16. Wow, your little hexies are sooo tiny!!

    Love the bag!

  17. Clever use of your hexies, very cute.

  18. Love the bag and those hexies sure are tiny!

  19. What a beautiful finish with your hexagons! I love your drawstring bag. I would love to try to make some minature hexagons, too! Thanks for a great inspiration...

  20. What a wonderful use of the hexies , I love the bag it is just sweet !

  21. What a lovely finish! Such happy colors!

  22. Now I'm the one having trouble leaving comments! Love those teeny tiny hexies.

    Broody chooks is usually the breed, light breeds tend to go broody less like my leghorns. I always take every single egg away every day and never even leave a fake one behind and that seems to help. Can be frustrating though!

  23. I might get lost in all your wonderful comments! I just wanted you to know your bag is lovely and thank you for your sweet, sweet comment on my blog regaring the "Little Cottages">

    Quilty hugs, Carolyn

  24. Absolutely gorgeous Raewyn, your hexagon finish is beautiful. Love the teeny tiny hexie - too cute. I've tried the 1/2" sided hexies, but 1/4" sounds pretty scary!! Good luck with those papers coming out.


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