
Sunday, July 25, 2010


I hunted and hunted the other day but do you think I could find it??
What was I looking for?
Here it is, under some scraps!! - My quickunpic, I always seem to be hunting for it!! I think I need to attach a locator beacon to it!!

What is the thing YOU lose most often in your sewing room?
I had a fun day yesterday; the local quilt guild had their once-every-two-years exhibition. I was helping out at the booth of my favourite quilt shop and look at the view from it!!
Hexagon quilts!! I wasn't sure about the ethics of taking photos of people's work that I didn't know so I just took a distant shot.

The quilt on the left is made from ties. This lady had several hand sewn quilts in the exhibition and they were all absolutely beautiful. The quilt on the right is made from larger hexagons - the note said that the fabrics were from several generations of clothing and that it therefore held very special memories. Lovely too. the quilting on this one was lattice-like and suited it very well.
(PS I think there will be some photos from the show here, soon.)
Below are some scenes from the farm this week. Very localised heavy rain - we shifted two mobs of stock at about 10pm but took a calculated risk and left the third mob over the river.

By next morning they were cut off - but high and dry, well fed and safe. Once the river had slowed down a bit and was safe to cross, the MOML was able to kayak over to move them!!  By the next morning we could cross the bridge and mend the fences!!. That's two floods lately, we hope that's all for a while!!


  1. I used to always lose my unpicker! Then I read a great tip. I attached the cap of the unpicker, upside down, to the end of my sewing machine with double sided tape, and just pop the unpicker back each time I use it. I never lose that one, but I also have a few hiding in 'safe places' around the house, just waiting for me to remember where that safe place is. Lovely blog

  2. I also lose the unpick and my scissors. I have at least 6 pair but there is never one where you need it.
    You sure have had a lot of rain.Wish we got some. I have actually got the sprinkler on the lawn today.
    What lovely quilts. Wonderful eye candy.

  3. Hi Raewyn, thanks for stopping by at my blog and your kind words.
    I (almost hihi) never lose anything while sewing.....Yep it's true. I used to work in a shop (about 9 years or so) where we designed, cut, sewed and sold the clothes in the shop. So we had to work tidy(right wordt?) and especially I learned to work organized, very organized. The tip from Narlle I think is a very clever one. Have a nice Sunday.

  4. Just back tracking through your blog. Were you on The Country Yard stall?? I bought a bunch of fat quarters from there when I visited the exhibition - yummo (but now I've vowed I'm not buying any more fabric this year!).


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