
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Inspired by nature...

When I looked around the corner of the house this morning and saw these daffodils, I knew what colour hexaflower I wanted to sew today!!
That's 17 of these retro-ones now... my garden is growing very slowly but it is nice having the weekly challenge to add to them.
Last week I said I would show you what I am doing with my 'pretty' hexaflowers. I could have sewn flat out today to finish it but I had a few other things I needed to do instead. However, here is a sneak preview!!

As you can see I have sewn the hexagons (5/8 inch sides)  onto four and a half inch squares. Next comes a chequerboard. So far the effect is very pretty and sweet. Its not the best photo sorry, I had trouble with getting the light right and didn't want to take them outside. (Indoor plants these ones!!)
A cow and I had a bit of an incident this morning, she was pushing to get somewhere we didn't want her... in the process the fingers of my hand got bent right back. As the day progresses, my hand is becoming sorer and more immobile!! Fingers crossed it will mend itself FAST!! So far it hasn't slowed down my hand sewing :-) (That's my main concern!!)


  1. oH SORRY about the hand--but it did give me a smile--not that you hurt yourself--but that your first concern was that it not affect your sewing--way to go girl friend!!!
    I happened to burn two knuckles on my left hand this morning on the toaster--but they are better now--so must of been a "accident' kind of day!!!!
    Love Love those Hexie flowers and what you are doing with them---Hugs, Di

  2. Excellent yellow flower and I like the layout for your 'pretty' hexaflowers, so pretty! And, oh dear, your poor, poor finger! :(

  3. What a beautilful flower you have made this week.
    Hope your finger quickly is geting better.
    Looks great what you have started with the hexagons.

  4. Your yellow flower is so 'springy', can't wait till mine are flowering, I think they are still a month away yet. The joys of the Deep South! Those 'pretty' flowers are gorgeous, I love the layout you've chosen. Beautiful!! Hope that hand gets better fast.

  5. I had to do a double take at those yellow flowers well camouflaged ..very cute looking little so pretty.
    Your hand! Get better, get better, wee hand as you have much to do!

  6. Your flowers look so pretty and I feel so sorry for you now that your hand hurts. Hope you get better soon.
    ps; I entered (right expression?) your blog at my blog list.

  7. It's just a little bit of sunshine on your blog.


  8. Fabulous retro daffodil! I like both types of fabric that you're using for your flowers - the indoor flowers look so soft and gentle and very pretty, I like the way you're using them. Hope your poor hand soon heals.

  9. your little daffodil hexie looked so cute amongst the real ones. and i love the hexie blocks!!! cyndi

  10. What a lovely daffodill you made! And the retro ones are very pretty, too. I wonder how the quilt goes on!
    Greetings, Cisca

  11. Your daffodil is delightful, so very pretty . I am so sorry to hear about your hand and sure hope it is just a small injury and will heal really fast .Hugs to you .Oh I love what you are doing with the small hexies , just adorable.

  12. Your Daffie Hexie looks great. Love what you are doing with your pretty hexies. Will look beautiful when finished.
    Hope your finger is okay and gets better quickly.

  13. Ouchy for your hand - hope its better today.

    So you have daffodils out already wow?? Love the daff hex & your teeny tiny ones.

  14. What a great quilt that will be! love the flowers and the checkerboard beside them.
    Hope your hand will be fine soon though!

  15. Oh Raewyn, make sure to rest those fingers! Ouch, I hope it feels better soon.
    That first picture is worth 1000 words, sheer sunny delight!
    and that border of hexies... swoon.
    swoon. swooooooon!
    feel better soon!

  16. hi Raewyn, isn't it a sign of spring is on the way with daffodils popping up! sick of rain ah. love those baby hexys you are working on. Your garden is surley growing. lovely work. sue~n.z.

  17. lovely hexagon flower,love your daffodil,Ilove yellow flowers.
    poor finger hope it gets better soon

  18. Hi Raewyn! I love what you are doing with your pretty flowers! So pretty and delicate! Your yellow flower is stunning! I hope your hand is feeling better. Take care.

  19. I bet you didn't ice your hand like you should have mum..

  20. I really love it Raewyn and its so very pretty! Love it!


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