
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Klosjes progress

In spite of a few distractions lately, I have finally made some progress on my klosjes quilt. I have joined 9 blocks for the centre, and put a border round them. This is 19 inch square (unfinished) so far.
I've started on the next border... these little ones are 3 1/4 inch finished. Took me a bit to get them right as the size I wanted them meant I was using a trapezoid rather than a square for the spools - in other words, a few teething problems, reverse sewing and a few pieces of graph paper! However I am happy with them now, so here's a peek at them—

I mentioned 'distractions' at the beginning of this post. ED is home for a bit as she has a break between semesters. A while ago a friend, who was moving to Australia, gave me his coffee machine!! It used to sit in the corner of his blacksmithing shed and our routine was to have a delicious coffee before we began shoeing the horses (and often one when we had finished too!). I used to rave that his coffee was the best I'd ever tasted so he thought of me when he was preparing to leave and cleaning out his shed. I soon discovered it was the maker, not the machine, that makes the good coffee, so the machine has sat on the bench largely untouched since it arrived here. This is a shot of the corner of the kitchen after ED had a play yesterday.....As you can see, lots of experimenting and little drinking of the results!! We WILL get it day!!
happy sewing everyone.


  1. Oh coffee and spools...what more could a gal ask for!

  2. Your spools looks great Raewyn...good luck with the coffee..

  3. Love your klosjes Raewyn ... and as far as the coffee goes just let us know when you want some "outside tasters" for testing purposes!!

  4. Your klosjes are coming together nicly. I ahve always wanted to them but have too many UFO's now.

    I'm sure you will get the coffee making right, keep trying.

  5. Love what you are doing with your klosjes ....... my DH makes coffee at our place, I make a mess every time and it is far safer and cleaner when he does it. Recently, learned a tip about using crushed a 1/4 tsp. egg shells mixed in with the coffee grounds. The coffee comes out smooth tasting.

  6. Love the border around your Klosjes!


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