
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Gardening again!

Presenting today's flower ....Blogging hugs to everyone who can guess where I was sitting when I finished it......
This brings my total to 11!!!
I had a weekend away recently and managed to get quite a few done. I was so pleased with myself until I laid them all out and saw that the effect was a very busy one (think garden after heavy rain and strong winds!!).
I was quite despondent until I realised that if I added a restful row around each flower the look was quite different..whew! I decided on white as it meant my eclectic mix of fabrics would all look good with it; some below already have a bit of a garden path, and I'm pleased with this result.
And below is my scenic shot for this post - this is a very tall conical, conifer tree which the birds absolutely love. We sit on the deck watching hundreds of little birds darting here and there, nest building, tweeting and flitting about as only little birds can do. I think my photography antics scared them off though!
I'm looking forward to a fun time visiting and viewing everyone else's Wednesday garden posts. Thanks for visiting mine!! Have a happy day everyone!!


  1. Your "flower" garden is growing along beautifully--I keep wanting to do them--only--they never fit into my "garden" of time--so I will just have to enjoy yours for now!!!!
    Hugs, Di

  2. Lovely flowers :-) I´ve not sewn any flowers this week, but it´s still thursday in Germany, so I´ve one more day to manage it :-))

  3. Your flowers are looking so good Raewyn..

  4. I like the way your tree blooms :-) And I think the your gardenpath is realy nice.

  5. The flowers look beautiful against the white background. It will be a lovely quilt I am sure.
    I would like to sit in your garden and see the birds :-)

  6. It must have been a chilly day at your house! That looks like a firewood pile?
    Wow a new type of conifer that flowers!! He he he.

  7. The flowers are georgeous and they're growing fast in the conifer.

  8. Many lovely flowers for this week. The green of the conifer makes them look really outstanding and beautiful.

  9. Great flowers. I love the bright colors.

  10. Lovely fabrics - they're going to look wonderful with the white around them.

  11. Your flowers are really looking wonderful and the white surrounding them is a perfect choice .

  12. You are doing really well with your flowers. Were you sitting in front of the fire??

  13. Your garden is growing up with lovely flowers.

  14. How wonderful your flowers bloom! I also like them without the row in between.
    Greetings, Cisca

  15. Pretty flowers, and I like the with fabrics curling around them.

  16. I had a moment of panic with mine as well, but I love them laid out with the white spacer blocks in between. You are making great progress!

  17. Hi Raewyn! Your flowers are beautiful and the white around them will really show off all the great colors. Your quilt will be outstanding!

  18. Some lovely flowers! Love the fabric you used.

  19. Your flowers are so very pretty! I love your fabric choices!!!
    All the best from Denmark!

  20. After heavy rains and strong winds. I like that! Beautiful flowers and the white between is perfect.


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