
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

curtains and klosjes

Just had another few days away; down at ED's replacing her bedroom curtains. Rewarding to get them up and get rid of the old hessian ones that let all the cold air in but I was OVER curtains by the time I'd finished!! I was itching to get back to 'my proper fabrics' and sew exctiting stuff again!! I did manage to do a bit of handsewing when I was off duty and finished these klosjes I started when we were away earlier in the week.
Ta da - I'm up to 5 now!!

Definately scrappy; I'm hoping these colours will all come together when I'm done!! I find these so fun and so rewarding to do. I have written a bit more about them on my klosjes page (- post 2).
ED decided she needed some more cooking lessons while I was down there... the girls have always baked and made simple snacks etc but never really cooked meals. So I went down armed with a beef roast and some bacon bones. AS soon as I got there we got the roast into the oven and the bones into the crockpot. In spite of concerns about a mouse chewing the wiring in the oven (!) we ate well!! Roast beef and veges followed by apple crumble for tea; then pumpkin and bacon soup for lunch the next day; then she had a big pot of bacon and vegetable soup to put into little pots and freeze once I was gone. She saw how simple it all was and I tried to show that 'anything goes' really. She's got the skills to host dinner parties for her friends now!!


  1. Boy do I hate sewing curtains so you are a good girl.

    Love your Klosjies and think they will look great together. Scrappy is always good.

  2. I think these will look great together.Your a good mummy!

  3. Your klosjes are wonderful .... I'm starting to play around with borders for mine.


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