
Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday and FNWF

It was lovely to sit down tonight and relax with a bit of hand applique. I stitched in the company of the lovely Cheryll and a band of other Friday Nighters for FNwFs.
I had decided to have a change of scenery tonight and put my secret stitching aside. I'm onto the last block of this project and I hope to reveal it soon —

Anyway, back to tonight's stitching. I pulled out Foxley Village this afternoon and spent a bit of time preparing the next block.
I had stitched the clouds a month or so ago.
Block basted (Back basting method) and ready to stitch —
I completed a couple of the long straight side of the building; not much, but a start —

Going to town for groceries today seemed to take all morning. Waiting in queues, etc. And yay, I was able to buy some flour so I can make some cheese scones for the MOML :-) I haven't been able to get any for a while!

ED needed to come out to pick up some stock food for their animals. Of course we kept our distance which was a little confusing for the small ones. 
We were even civilised and had a socially distanced cuppa.

Then it was walk time, as I'd missed it first thing. I re-did a walk from the other day so that I could see how far it was now that I have my 'running' app - something went wrong though and it had me walking about two kms before I'd even got past the chookshed!
Emma dog loves these walks but the little dog refuses to come these days! We were heading to the left of those tall pines at the top of the photo—
Got to the top —
Played in some leaves - the weather's changing and the trees are responding. The MOML reckons I should be wearing tramping boots not my trusty gumboots but good luck finding any at the moment!
Fed the chooks for the night on the way home - they all came running when they heard me!
Thanks for your company ♥
'til next time,
stay safe and happy stitches,


  1. Are they limiting the number of people allowed in the store at a time? I know my parents said they were doing that where they live. You queued up and when they opened they allowed 20 people in. When 1 left they allowed another in. Helped with the social distancing. Love your walks, and great camera angle for the chooks, looks like you will be trampled if you are not careful.

  2. they need to limit people in the stores for sure - the parking lots were too busy - I didn't feel I would be safe - autoimmune diseases so I finally figure on the closest grocery store for on line and made an order last night and they will deliver today for a small fee and you tip on line also for the delivery person - worth it to stay safe.
    Hope you got your ap for walking done right now - it helps me to stay motivated for my walks with my fitbit that I have had for some years now but even with that I have not gotten my steps in for a couple weeks now, I must try harder! Glad you were able to visit your family safely

  3. LOL My hens always come running to me as well. They're cute.

  4. your shop was successful... no flour in the two I went into but not urgent just yet.

    Foxley Village is looking great... so pretty


  5. Can't wait to see your secret stitching revealed 😁. Foxley Village looks great, every bit of applique stitching helps. Lovely to have the family visit even if you have to social distance. Great Emma dog goes on walks with you, too far for the little guy?? Love how the chooks come running.

  6. You have me so curious about your secret stitching.
    Those fabrics in this current block are so cute. Makes me think of dresses from my childhood. :)
    Local stores haven't been limiting people coming it...yet. But my sons, who both live within two hours of us--and my daughter in another state--have all experienced it. Gluten free flour isn't hard to come by right now, but regular flour is definitely scarce.
    How nice that you have a place to sit out with family and still keep social distance. I was so tempted to invite a couple of friends to go on a picnic and we would each sit on our own blanket. But then it snowed.
    I am happy that you take us along on your walks. Next best thing to being there!

  7. Love your Foxley Village Raewyn. Yes I was able to buy a bag of flour yesterday too - made my day too. I found the grocery shopping made me feel a bit anxious - don't feel like this when I can stay at home. Great that you managed a socially distanced cuppa. Happy Weekend Raewyn.

  8. Cute village that you are "building". Such strange times that we have to be so far apart from our families. At least we can still get out to go for a solo walk and enjoy the fresh air.

  9. Good to start another block for Foxley Village..
    I find shopping a real chore even though it's my only outing.
    Good but hard to catch up with ED and family when you have to keep your distance...

  10. Lovely walk Raewyn and nice applique. Shame you have to queue -I went to two supermarkets on Thursday and no queueing or shortages except bread flour. xx

  11. It's good you can still see your family, albeit at a safe distance. Once again, I enjoyed tagging along on your walk.

  12. Good to see your projects being worked on. We still seem to be busy regardless of all this time at home!
    Lovely to see your family looking well.


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