
Monday, April 27, 2020

A day for the birds, and a finish---

Another of my aims for this month was to finish the Scrubstitching quilt I shared about back *here*. Kiwikid Sue and I challenged each other to make a postcard quilt highlighting our fun and adventures when we went to Scrub Stitching retreat in NSW last April.
I had mine to wall hanging stage but I still needed to do some more stitching down, plus bind it.
That was today's task —
In case it helps to see a little more detail, here's the top half —
And the bottom —
After quilting all the background (cross hatching with my walking foot), I bordered each postcard block —
And then folded the edges over  —
So that I could top stitch them in place (stitched in the ditch where the border joins the stitchery part and then around the outside of the red) —

Simple free motion quilting to create 'roads' linking each postcard —

I enjoyed playing around drawing each block but I think this is my favourite motif of them all :-)

This wall hanging is even more special now, since we couldn't all attend this year. Let's hope next year we'll have an excuse to make another memorabilia scrubstitching quilt!

This morning's walk was another hill climb in the top back corner of the farm —
Along the bushline were these ferns - we have a few patches of them but these were looking very photogenic this morning —
Does anyone know what these are called? 
And then the birds started appearing. Not that I haven't seen them every other day, but I seemed to be able to get the photos today!
The Pukeko —
Goldfinches on a fence —
The swallows were enjoying the sun (and doing lots of grooming) —
And even our new family of quail let me photograph them —
So as well as the exercise, it was a pretty satisfying walk!

As our lockdown restrictions ease ever so slightly tomorrow, moving from Level Four to Level Three, I'm going to ease up on the blogging! It was on the spur of the moment that I decided to blog every day during this period. Not so spur of the moment to walk each day, that had been on the cards for a while, I just needed the push.
We have two weeks at this next level until it is decided what we will do next. Let's hope this curve is squashed totally...time will tell.
Thank you all for reading along and your encouragement :-) It's been good to have something to focus on during this time, and I have enjoyed connecting with you all.

'til next time, 
stay healthy and home, 
and happy stitches, 


  1. I love your Postcard Quilt--really nice work on this...I like the red curved line leading your eyes around..
    ~ ~ ~ waving while holding onto my hat in the wind Julierose~ ~ ~

  2. I hope your level 3 works and no increase in the virus. I think we will be starting level 3 next week but we are still seeing increases now so I don't know what they are thinking although the curve is happening so I guess over all the increases are less if that makes sense.
    It has been nice to see you blog daily and enjoy seeing your daily walks :)
    The postcard quilt is interesting for sure!

  3. I love your Postcards....feeling guilty about mine haha! And of course I love all your feathered friends. Good luck with your restriction easing xx

  4. Love your postcards quilt Raewyn, well done on the finish. Can't wait to see it in person. Good walk you have done and great to see all the birds. I hope slightly reduced restrictions make life a little easier.

  5. The postcard quilt is fabulous. I will miss the walks and the animals.

  6. Lovely pictures of the birds.
    I think you deserve to back of a little on the blogging front, but you have a great record of this time to look back on.

  7. The postcard wallhanging is lovely and really special for you and also Sue. It great you have the road going from one card to the next ....
    Beautiful birds , ferns and scenery on your walks ... have love seeing your beautiful place...

  8. Your wallhanging is so wonderful. Great finish!

    Enjoy your easing up!

  9. love the way you did your special quilt and it looks great... lovely memories.... enjoy making up a new routine.. you must have noticed a difference in your fitness with all the walking.

  10. Lovely work on the postcard quilt, Raewyn and what a great walk. Good luck with the easing of restrictions in NZ - I am hoping that we get some easing after May 11 here in Victoria.

  11. Lovely finish on your postcard quilt. Great way to attach the postcards. The red trim is perfect.

  12. Raewyn - the postcard quilt is lovely; a very special memory. I think the pandemic and all that occurred during it will burned into our memories for years to come. Glad things are easing up for you. Stay well!

  13. I used a similar technique to attach my large bright applique blocks to my Modern Applique Quilt... but used a fine hanky weight fabric to "back" the blocks so I could turn them through and get neat edges. It didn't turn out perfect... what ever does... but I felt it certainly turned out straighter than if i had tried just sewing the blocks on.

  14. Such a lovely postcard quilt - the little sewing machine is amazing! Hope Level 3 is going well for you all x

  15. The quilt is a great idea you both did so well.... It will have to come to scrub stitchin with you next year..... When we Are All Together again.....


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