
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Sewing in the heat

I spent time in the weekend doing some 'odds and sods' sewing —
A zip installed in a cushion for YD so she can wash it, and a new head rest
for a carseat after the original had an unfortunate accident.
As well as the above there was a bit of mending and altering a new pair of farm overalls for the MOML. Not terribly enthralling but it felt good to get those chores out of the way :-)

When Monday came, I was more than happy to focus on some of the other sewing goals I have. It was easy to decide what to do for this month's One Monthly Goal with Patty Of Elm Street Quilts.
Yes, quilt and finish the baby quilt I assembled for last month's goal.
To see what others are working on, or to sign up yourself, visit Patty's blog *here*.

Getting that thinking out of the way, I then moved on with The Sopwell Ladies Basket Society Quilt.
I have been slowly chipping away at this. My design wall has been gradually filling up with the small blocks and the planning of what fabrics to use where —
Completed block 5 and planning of block 6!
To the sewing machine with invisible thread and zigzag —
Units assembled and ready to join —
(For the purposes of my 350 block project I'll be counting this as 5 blocks,
even though the pattern calls it One Block!)

Block 6 complete —
Yaay - great to be making progress on this - even though it's not on any of my official lists for this year, hehe!
(As for my blog title, all my sewing is being done under a fan at the moment - it's been Very Hot!)

EDIT - I'm just popping back to link up to Dione at Clever Chameleon Quilting. She does a weekly link up for us to show the progress we're making on our projects. Her latest post is a fun wee commentary on what she's been up to. Visit her *here*.

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. Hi, schöner Beitrag. :)
    Ich folge dir jetzt und ich würde mich freuen,
    wenn du Zeit und Lust hättest meinem Blog zu folgen.

    LG Katrin

  2. Sometimes getting those mending tasks done frees up your mind as well as your time to do fun sewing.

  3. sometimes it is hard to get anything done when it is hot outside. It is rainy here so all exercise will be done inside and maybe I will get done with another orange block today for RSC so I can get on to my OMG challenge. You have nice blocks there. I don't care for the invisible thread and have trouble with it - it works ok for you?

  4. Sew good to get that mending done....
    I'm sure you'll complete the Fishy Quilt.
    Like the fabrics you're using for the Baskets project.
    HOT ! Yep been in the 40s the past few days here.
    Great to do some sewing with the air con on.

  5. Oh my, you are steaming right along despite the heat. Love those blocks!

  6. Sometimes it is more fun to just jump from one project to another--
    don't get bored or sleepy that way too--
    love the last quilt and how it is coming together--
    so keep the fan on and keep stitching along--
    luv, di

  7. Your basket block is adorable and I love all the cheery fabrics you have used. I guess I should be happy that it is snowing and cold here as I do tend to get more accomplished. But, in all honesty, I would love some warm weather but then my projects I'm working on would soon take a back seat to yard work.

  8. Why is it that we always feel so good when the mending chores are finished? The Ladies Basket work is so pretty.

  9. Lovely to see the progress on your projects. And yes, the mending does have to be done!!!

  10. Block 6 is beautiful--so much detail! We're freezing here but I do not envy you in the heat. Hope it cools off for you soon.

  11. I think everyone is about over this summer. Mind you, we’ll be complaining about the cold before we know it. I’m sure your OMG will be achieved. Block 6 looks great. I love your colour choices.

  12. I really love your basket quilt.... so great. I have never done applique like that... comes up well... so odd that you have it hot.... we are so much cooler at the moment...

  13. Your basket quilt is just gorgeous and you're making great progress with it! We have a nice cool week for a change, so running around madly catching up with housework - ugh!! I'll send our cool change your way :) xx

  14. Good luck with your OMG for this month. The Sopwell Ladies Basket Society Quilt is stunning! The fabric/colours are beautiful.

  15. Always good to get the mending out of the way!! Love your baskets ,I would be counting all those blocks individually too, there is a lot going into each main block. Hope the super hot weather does not last too long for you.

  16. It does feel good to get the "chore" sewing out of the way, doesn't it? Especially if you have been putting it off, like I tend to do.
    The Sopwell Ladies Basket Society quilt is so happy and fun, and it looks like a whole bunch of work to me! You have done a beautiful job--how much more is there to this quilt?
    Good thing you have a fan in your sewing room! I love mine--even sometimes in the winter when the lower sun beats into my window too much I will turn on my fan. :)

  17. Your Sopwell blocks are coming along nicely.
    It will be good to see those fishies finished and bound. I do like them and just might have to make some fishies my self some day.
    sadly it wasn't so warm down here in Timaru. It's overcast today. :-(

  18. Love Sopwell! I don't know what it is about getting jobs done that feels so good lol! Fishy quilt is such fun xx

  19. You're making great progress with your Sopwell blocks, how many more to come?

  20. Love, love, love The Sopwell Ladies Basket Society Quilt. The style, colors, fabrics - need I go on? I admire your ability to get some other "mundane" tasks done when you could be working on this beauty!

  21. Your ladies society quilt just gets better and better! I can’t wait to see the next block. Stay cool! Stay sweet!

  22. Your society quilt is going to be stunning! Glad to hear that you are utilising the hot weather, it is tricky when it gets oppressive to stay motivated on anything much. Fingers crossed for a break in the weather and a nice cool breeze for you!

  23. Always good to get mending out of the way. Your Society blocks are just gorgeous!

  24. Yes, my sewing sessions are limited due to the heat... it's all over once I get too hot and sweaty! Too hard to enjoy it, and then sometimes I have to turn the iron on!!

  25. Hi Raewyn...Your quilts are beautiful. You are so ambitious to take on such large and intricate projects. Lovely work. I love stopping in here and watching your progress on things. Have a wonderful week ahead my dear friend. LindaLee

  26. Great quilt! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your projects.


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