
Sunday, March 25, 2018

The weekend already!

With a busy week last week, the weekend came around very quickly, but not so fast that I didn't forget Friday Night Sew In, kindly hosted by Wendy of Sugarlane Designs.
I settled down in the evening for some hand stitching and appliqued another of my EPP stars onto background fabric... a little more progress on Evandale.
The next step for this block is to decide what fabric to use for the pentagons which frame the star. This project keeps getting put down as often as it's picked up but I am moving forwards on it, be it ever so slowly :-)
I put that aside and finished the evening with a bit of was close by and I was tired and thinking wasn't necessary! When the ball of wool ran out it was bed time!
I joined in with other FNSI-ers in different time zones on Saturday morning. I decided this was the weekend for getting closer to a finish on two bindings have been decided on and made —
I basted the baby quilt. You can see I've used the board basting method... I've done this a few times and find it quite a handy technique to use.  My boards are a little long - I wanted them long enough to cope with a large quilt but they are a bit awkward to manouvre without hitting the wall or ceiling! They're also a bit long to fit under the spare bed when not in use. I see a date with the saw in their future.
Here's a tutorial on this method...I've also seen this done with pool noodles instead of boards.

This morning I've started the quliting on this quilt - the baby it's for is now a week old so I need to keep focussed here! Just SID (stitching in the ditch) at this stage, then it will be decision time later for the next step.
Our daughter visited for tea last night and brought these beanies to show me. She's recently taken up crochet and is getting the hang of it quite nicely I think :-)
That quilting is calling and the washing machine is beeping....
Happy stitches,


  1. Lots of lovely things happening in your sewing room Raewyn. Love the little stars...good to see the baby quilt is ready to be quilted. Your daughter is very crafty - like her mother!! We have used that board at the Bellarine group but have found one side of the sandwich ends up tighter than the other,so I am off to have a look at that link to the tutorial.

  2. Nice to be busy in your sewing room Raewyn. Interesting way to sandwich the baby quilt. Will check out the tutorial. Daughter like Mum...enjoys creating.

  3. Wonderful Raewyn, Your daughters beanies are gorgeous - she must have her Mums creative gene. Hope you have a great week ahead & find some creative time to work on all your lovely projects.

  4. With your variety of pretty projects, there is no risk of boredom!
    I guess I never got good enough at crochet that I didn't have to think to do it. :)

  5. Many thanks for showing us about the board method to pin quilts. I've never heard of this before so it certainly looks interesting.

  6. Just took a look at that board basting tutorial. It looks fantastic. I am neber happy with my pinning etc. I get so frustrated on the floor that I end up with less than perfect sandwich! Love your projects x

  7. You have certainly been busy. Great jobs.

    Thank you for sharing that link about board basting. Think I'll try it on my next quilt!

  8. Busy girl! I've been working on an embroidery that I don't like, and quilt blocks that I no longer like. Definitely slow going at my house! I went to a quilt show yesterday and got some tips on how better to use rules on my Sweet 16. I think I'll be quilting tonight!!

  9. That looks like a great basting method - must remember to try it next time I baste a large quilt. Thanks for the link. xx

  10. Good to see progress on the blocks and the quilting. The crochet is looking good, too. And how lovely to see what your daughter is making as well.

  11. you have a lovely variety of projects.... good to see your pinning method - us quilters will find a way to get what we want done won't we?

  12. Hi Raewyn lovely range of projects you are doing ,well done and i think your DD is very clever like you xx

  13. Raewyn, lots of lovely, lovely crafty things happening in your house - gorgeous colour on your crocheted shawl.

  14. beautiful star, looking forward to seeing how the next step comes together.
    have fun finishing your baby quilt!
    great job your daughter has done on her beanies.

  15. I always enjoy your Quilty updates and seeing all of your progress!


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