
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

End of October tidy-up

I set myself a simple little goal for October's OMG in the hope that I would achieve it and also that it would kickstart some work on a neglected project.
All I wanted to do was add some pink to my Scrappy Sprouts being October's colour in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.
I still managed to leave it to the very end of the month - but - yaay - I did it!! 
[In actual fact I cheated a little as the start of the top pink blocks were kindly donated by Sue of Mother Patchwork...although I did add the white/creams and add the bottom squares, etc :-)]
The scrappy sprout blocks always look a bit odd when they are at this
...but when they are joined up with a stem they look a bit more like scrappy sprouts! 
Scenic shot of the day. I thought the tree trunk would be big enough to fit the
blocks but not quite... it was too curvey!
We have everything in that photo above, the cows walking back to their paddock, the apple tree blossoming, sweet peas growing, the grapevine taking over PLUS the re-generating orchard paddock after Miss Piggy dug it all up. Spring has well and truely arrived!

Thank you Patty for hosting the One Monthly Goal party. Patty also has Bag It 2017 running at the moment - click *here* to find out all about it...there are some cool bags and tutorials featured.
[If I'm not too late, I'll be linking up to Angela's Rainbow Scrap Challenge too - thanks Angela :-)]

I've also managed some more work on my ' A Holly Cottage Christmas blocks' by Michelle Ridgeway (the SAL is *here*). October's block is this sweet bird delivering the Christmas post —
Here is this section all joined up —
While I was busy cutting squares, I re-made July's Stocking block; my original one wasn't in these fabrics. I love how this project is growing :-)

And now for the 'ahh how sweet' moment. Nothing better than having your two young granddaughters sitting at your kitchen counter to eat their breakfast (yes that's Marmite on their toast)(they're kiwi kids afterall)... this doesn't happen very often so it made my week ♥ They're back in Australia now..sadly they both caught yukky colds while they were here and the family didn't have the most restful holiday.
Aren't they adorable?
Our last cow calved yesterday and we have weaned the first 110 calves. Life is slowly starting to return to normal... My sewing room (The Palace) is calling out for a jolly good spring clean...maybe I'll fit that in one of these days. Festival of Quilts is on down in Auckland this weekend which will be fun and I guess that means the spring clean in The Palace will have to wait...shame...
'til next time,
Happy Stitches,


  1. Wow Raewyn, I love your Sprouts, what a clever use of your scraps! And it looks so magazine-y, on the side of the tree like that.
    Goodness your grand-daughters are growing up... super-cute pic of them♥

  2. The pink looks good. (I'm thinking I might want to make something with that block too.) Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  3. visit from grandchildren must make your day even if they do have colds - they sure are cute. love all your quilty things and a display of quilts sounds so nice to see

  4. Your pink sprouts are very sweet..
    Your little granddaughters are just adorable eating their marmite on toast....
    Enjoy your show and then cleaning up the Palace...

  5. Ahh--too bad that spring cleaning the Palace will have to wait!!!!
    love those grandbabies--sooo cute!!
    and I love pink sprouts-best color sprouts ever!!!!
    enjoy the moments,di

  6. You know me, I have a thing about quilts in trees so I just love your sprout blocks on the tree trunk! Nice shot of life on the farm to go with it. Love seeing the final shot of your two sweet granddaughters. Have a great weekend whatever you choose to do, wink!

  7. Beautiful grandchildren visits are always special. love your sprouts especially the red.

  8. Your grand daughters are gorgeous, I'm sure it was a delight to have them visit. You'll be pleased to have calving over though no doubt it's mating time, always something to do on the farm! Love the pink sprouts.

  9. Your grandaughters are so cute, glad you had some time with them. And sweet pink sprouts too! Maybe see you on Friday at the show?

  10. Your sprout blocks look great when they are all together on the tree trunk Raewyn ... I love that photo. You should get some made into postcards as it shows life at your place, the sewing & the farming. But your grandaughters are just beautiful .... good old marmite kiwi kids!!!

  11. Hi Raewyn,love the colours in your blocks,love the pic that has it all,how lovely to have homegrown pears.
    What a sweet pic of your 2 grandie girls they are adorable and i hope they are feeling better now Raewyn xx

  12. those girls are just adorable and I love marmite too .. never see it here but i eat it in UK.

    I do love those scrappy sprouts.....


  13. How many sprout blocks have you completed now?
    Sweet progress on your Cottage Christmas blocks. That will be a great holiday quilt.
    Oh, love those two cute faces. I'll bet it was hard to see them go!

  14. Love the sprout blocks, they look great on the tree. How lovely to have the twins with you even if theh did have colds!! Your Christams blocks is looking wonderful too. No doubt there will be another job to do on the farm even though the calving has finished. Enjoy the quilt show.

  15. The girls are getting so big and are so cute. Bummer about the yucky colds.

    I'm jealous that you are heading into my favorite season. Want to trade???

    Your sprout blocs are going to be fabulous. I can't wait to see these all together.

  16. Every time I see your sprout blocks, it reminds me that I love them and want to make them. Someday. Gosh, the girls are getting big! Too fast! They are oh, so cute!

  17. Brilliant pink sprouts! and I am loving your Holly Cottage. Yes a very aaah moment - they are so cute. So glad its marmite too! xx

  18. Great projects. Love the sprout, and the Christmas one is fabulous. Oh what cuties. How great that they got to visit. So nice to see your spring. I am thinking cleaning can wait, the Festival of Quilts sounds much more fun.

  19. Love your scrappy sprouts and your embroidery blocks!

  20. they sure are adorable...and wow what a finish xxxx

  21. Pink... I should let you know I am not a big fan... but I can work with it for a good cause... and how beautiful to have such stars at the breakfast table... you are very lucky... and I have now finished my studies and should graduate this month... so my normal is going to be very different but good... as my art and sewing has been awaiting my return...

  22. Lovely to see you squeezing in some sewing time when everything is still so busy. Your garden is looking lovely.
    Great work on the pink sprouts and the blocks. Looking great.
    The little ones are looking so gorgeous!!! They are growing fast!

  23. Your sprouts and SAL is looking great as are your SWEET granddaughter...........oh they are something to miss for sure our grandkids!

  24. Always love to see more of your sprouts! Bet you enjoyed having your grand-daughters with you but shame about the colds! Hope they've recovered back home in Australia. Did you enjoy your visit to the Quilts?

  25. Love those sprout blocks! And those granddaughters are gorgeous! Sorry to have missed you at FOQ, I came down on Sunday and had a great time.

  26. Lovely stitchery and blocks Raewyn. I love the photo of your two wee grand-daughters. Aren't they precious.


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