
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Completed handbag project

Well this month seems to have been one of starting lots of different things, but when I came to tally up the completions... it was nearly a big fat zero!!
Thank goodness though for this cute wee project a friend gave me last year, isn't it lovely?
It has been in my handbag and has been carted around all over the place, and pulled out from time to time when I had a few moments to spare. I pulled it out at hockey one night and got growled at later by YD who was sitting across the pitch in the dugout waiting to play! She did concede that I didn't really embarrass her - I think (hope?) she was amused more than anything else!

I did myself proud with my recycling efforts. Here I am joining two scraps of batting for the little wallhanging.....

.....And here I am trimming off the edges cutting it to size.....
.....look what happened to the scraps..... 
.....two more klosjes!!
And today is One Flower Wednesday also; I have nearly completed one today - just attaching the garden path around it; maybe I'll have a little vase full to brag about next week!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Gardening again!

Presenting today's flower ....Blogging hugs to everyone who can guess where I was sitting when I finished it......
This brings my total to 11!!!
I had a weekend away recently and managed to get quite a few done. I was so pleased with myself until I laid them all out and saw that the effect was a very busy one (think garden after heavy rain and strong winds!!).
I was quite despondent until I realised that if I added a restful row around each flower the look was quite different..whew! I decided on white as it meant my eclectic mix of fabrics would all look good with it; some below already have a bit of a garden path, and I'm pleased with this result.
And below is my scenic shot for this post - this is a very tall conical, conifer tree which the birds absolutely love. We sit on the deck watching hundreds of little birds darting here and there, nest building, tweeting and flitting about as only little birds can do. I think my photography antics scared them off though!
I'm looking forward to a fun time visiting and viewing everyone else's Wednesday garden posts. Thanks for visiting mine!! Have a happy day everyone!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Klosjes progress

In spite of a few distractions lately, I have finally made some progress on my klosjes quilt. I have joined 9 blocks for the centre, and put a border round them. This is 19 inch square (unfinished) so far.
I've started on the next border... these little ones are 3 1/4 inch finished. Took me a bit to get them right as the size I wanted them meant I was using a trapezoid rather than a square for the spools - in other words, a few teething problems, reverse sewing and a few pieces of graph paper! However I am happy with them now, so here's a peek at them—

I mentioned 'distractions' at the beginning of this post. ED is home for a bit as she has a break between semesters. A while ago a friend, who was moving to Australia, gave me his coffee machine!! It used to sit in the corner of his blacksmithing shed and our routine was to have a delicious coffee before we began shoeing the horses (and often one when we had finished too!). I used to rave that his coffee was the best I'd ever tasted so he thought of me when he was preparing to leave and cleaning out his shed. I soon discovered it was the maker, not the machine, that makes the good coffee, so the machine has sat on the bench largely untouched since it arrived here. This is a shot of the corner of the kitchen after ED had a play yesterday.....As you can see, lots of experimenting and little drinking of the results!! We WILL get it day!!
happy sewing everyone.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Quick pic to share

Its a while since I have shown a photo of the pets so here is a quick one. This shows what really goes on here....
I wonder who rules the roost? (I couldn't move for at least an hour!!)
happy sewing everyone, however it happens in your household!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I have succumbed!

I'm not quite sure how it came about (!!) but I have signed up for the One Flower Wednesday!
It's so exciting! All I need to do is make one hexie flower every Wednesday and show it. By the end of - whenever- I will have enough for a real garden, rather than a window box, and we will all marvel at the quilt that started off as a One Flower Wednesday 'challenge'.
I have decided to make my hexie flowers the same way I am doing my klosjes, English Paper Piecing using the Sewline Glue Pen and light card, with the sides 1 inch long.
I had thoughts of using this as a chance to build on my long-standing EPP UFO project (below) but I now think I will keep these two projects separate.
So here's this week's bloom. Sweet and cheerful, I hope, for a lovely sunny day.