
Monday, September 12, 2022

Old-ish things

I think I'm not the only one who has trouble coming up for titles for a blog post? 
Sometimes a title is obvious, other times it's a boring repeat (e.g. 'Time for a Catch up" - I've used that several times!)
Today's title stretches the imagination a bit with this grouping of subjects with a very loose connection!

An 'older' project pulled out recently was Foxley Village. I started this a few years ago. Last year (or before?) I diligently worked through all the (hand) applique blocks and then put it away. I realised though that I had missed a couple of applique blocks. They needed some piecing to get them started.
I thought of them, and pulled them out recently when I was wondering what to do in my evening stitching chair.
I joined these to the sheep block I had completed previously —
And then thought -hold this blogpost- I may as well finish the section! 
This apparently is called a Flock of Geese block —
And this completes Part 6 from the July 2016 edition of the Australian Homespun magazine!!

Memory Lane is an 'old-ish' project because the stitcheries in it are all from designs done over the years in The Country Yard's mystery stitchery projects. A bit of this one and a bit of that one. It's been nice to make as I didn't do all of these BOMs, although I was involved with cutting fabrics, layouts or mailouts of many of them!
It was my UFO project for the recent bloghop. Finally here it is all together, with all its borders on —
A little more detail; top —
and bottom —
So onto the quilting pile it goes!

I came across this very old little cutie the other day. Made by ED many moons ago. All completely by hand... I insisted my girls did their first bit of sewing by hand as Mum had insisted that I do my first bit of sewing by hand!
You can't really see the 'button holes' - just loops of thread for the buttons to slip into😀
This wasn't her first piece but definitely one of her earlier ones! I suspect I may have been at work at the time. There was a period when I would arrive home and my girls had made amazing bits and pieces - Harry Potter capes included, all by themselves with just my stash cupboard and their imagination at hand!

Another 'old' thing is this finish from last month - George's jersey. 
He was really excited about it, and ED recently reported that this, and Lily's cardi from last winter, were extremely cosy on their recent holiday to Mount Ruapehu, where it was a lot colder than it is here.
We don't need a lot of this sort of clothing here, but the odd item comes in handy!

'Old' plums found at the bottom of the freezer the other day became some yummy jam.
YD visited the next day and insisted on scones and cream to celebrate the new jam! 
(GF scones are never that flash but were well disguised with the jam and cream.)
Fuelled by his lunch, Odie had a great time out n the paddock with a bike and his dogs —

And there are plenty of photos to share about all my calves who are keeping me busy but I'll just share these two today. The two 7 year olds led their pet calves over for a walk the other day...a reasonable distance and they were all still smiling by the time they got here!
The adults chatted and the calves waited while the kids played —
Off home again —
One last photo; freesias courtesy of YD. Just lovely!

'til next time,
happy stitches,


  1. I love that blue/yellow sweater - and the little guy wearing it is so cute too. I have trouble with my titles also - you don't want to leave it open but how many times can you use the same time - "same old stuff" for instance :)

  2. Lots of oldies, but goodies.
    It's still sweater weather down here in the south.

  3. love the title.......the things we think the projects.....goodluck with the quilting........

  4. I really like your Foxley Village section.
    It was fun to see the many things you've dug out or come across lately that fit into your "old-ish" category.
    Lovely Freesias--certainly nothing old there.

  5. Hi Raewyn ... I have trouble coming up with blog titles too ... glad I'm not alone there. I love the fabrics in Foxley Village - some wonderful Tilda's there. Love the jerseys, the children walking their calves & the freesias. I have picked some from my garden too & their smell is wonderful!

  6. Haha yes, same for all of us. Lovely to see Foxley Village out again. Memory Lane is looking lovely as is that cute little pink top! I love the knitting too. xx

  7. Titles are hard to think of sometimes but this was a good one for your post..
    So good to have worked on your lovely oldies…
    Love the photos of the kids in their cosy jumpers , playing on the bike and also the older ones walking the calves.
    Sweet peas re one of my favourite blooms, smell so nice.

  8. Nope, I struggle constantly to come up with titles!! LOVE the sweaters! Wow!

  9. I love freesias, their perfume is delightful. And I love quilts with stitcheries incorporated, so pretty together. You have done very well with your "old things" this week, jam and cream on scones, wish I was there too!

  10. A nice newsy post. Considering how many projects you have worked on, you did well to have a couple of finishes. The hand knits do look cosy. How cute are those calves.

  11. A lovely post with beautiful projects....very sweet Grandies and Odies energy boost would be right up my alley. Very cute calves and beautiful freesias as is that gorgeous Magnolia from your previous post xxx

  12. My goodness all the grandies are growing up! Great jumper and cardy for the twins. Lovely to see the calves being taken for a walk. Great to be finishing up older projects too (something I need to get to one day!!) The freesias are beautiful, I have a few inside here too plus a jasmine stem, they smell wonderful. I have plums in the freezer, wonder if they could be jammed??

  13. Raewyn - love the memory lane project - such pretty colors. And George's jersey - stunning. I chuckled when I read about walking the calves and saw the pictures. I have seen many similar pictures this summer since my best friend's grandkids have competed with sheep, goats and steers. It can be quite the parade! Enjoy your weekend!

  14. such a fun post....adorable grands there raewyn...

  15. Love freesias, they smell divine, good that you can knit for the grandies, and great that you got some oldies' finished. I need to do likewise.


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